High School Reform will be maintained in the Lula government

With the change of government after the elections, the discussion about the permanence of changes...

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How much does a Electrical Technician make?

O electrical technician is the professional who performs the installation, operation of electrica...

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6 quick and easy home remedies for headache

There are many reasons why we can develop headaches, so there are also many methods to combat it....

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Payroll loan from Bolsa Família returns this month

Payroll loan from Bolsa Família returns this month

The loan Brazil Aid was a funding program created by the Federal Government to help people and sm...

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Find out about the rules for entitlement to accident assistance and learn how to request it

The accident aid is an indemnity paid by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to empl...

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Minister of Education goes to the Senate to explain cuts in federal

O Education Minister, Abraham Weintraub, went to the Senate to explain controversial measures and...

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Pajama Party Decor: Tips and Ideas for Pajama Party Decor

Pajama Party Decor: Tips and Ideas for Pajama Party Decor

One sleepover it is a meeting between friends that takes place in the host's house. In it, the gu...

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Exercises on male and female reproductive system

A human Reproduction It is a complex process that involves the male reproductive system and the f...

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Say goodbye to useless WhatsApp photos with THIS setup

WhatsApp is the online messaging application that has revolutionized world communication. Through...

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Check out 6 thermogenic foods that help you lose weight

Food, combined with physical activity, is essential for those who want to lose a few pounds. In t...

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Brazilians will get Portuguese citizenship easier after new law

People who prove family ties with that land, work or housing are entitled to citizenship in a giv...

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Turmeric: potent antioxidant in supplements, but requires balanced consumption

Turmeric, also known as turmeric, is a plant of Asian origin that has spread throughout the world...

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