Exercises on male and female reproductive system

A human Reproduction It is a complex process that involves the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system.

She starts at gametogenesis, then occurs the fertilization, formation of the zygote and all the fetal develop lasts 9 months, until the moment of birth of the new individual.

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We prepared a list of exercises on male and female reproductive system so you can test your knowledge of human reproduction.

You can consult the feedback and save this list of exercises in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises on male and female reproductive systems

1) (UFRGS) The epididymis has the function of:

a) store sperm.
b) produce male sex hormone.
c) produce sperm.
d) produce gonadotropic hormones.
e) produce alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidity of the urethra and vaginal secretions.

2) (FCM-PB) C.R.P., 28 years old, was admitted to Maternidade Cândida Vargas in João Pessoa, PB, where, two hours later, she gave birth to twins of different sexes. The husband, Pedro, very curious, wanted to know some information about the development of their children, from the moment of fertilization. The doctor correctly replied that:

a) two eggs were fertilized by a single sperm.
b) an egg, fertilized by a spermatozoon, originates a zygote, which divides into two zygotes, forming two embryos.
c) one egg was fertilized by two sperm, forming two embryos.
d) two eggs, separately, were fertilized, each by a spermatozoon, originating two embryos.
e) the use of medication during pregnancy caused changes in the zygote, dividing it in two.

3) (UFU) Regarding human reproduction, mark the correct alternative.

a) Vasectomized individuals have the seminiferous ducts sectioned, which prevents the passage of spermatozoa.
b) In cryptorchidism, the temperature of the place where the testes are housed is higher than ideal for spermatogenesis, which leads to male sterility.
c) Fertilization, which under normal conditions takes place in the uterine cavity two days before implantation, depends on the action of hydrolytic enzymes.
d) The ovaries are located behind the uterus. For the constant production of oocytes it is necessary that the ovaries are 2°C below the abdominal temperature.

4) (UNIT) Regarding human reproduction, all of the following are correct except:

a) Fertilization takes place in the uterus.
b) spermatogenesis takes place in the testes.
c) the placenta is responsible for breathing and nutrition of the embryo.
d) at ovulation, the ovary wall breaks and the oocyte is released into the fallopian tube.
e) cleavage of the egg cell originates cells called blastomeres.

5) (UEL) In humans, spermatogenesis and ovulogenesis have corresponding cytological and genetic events. Considering normal events, mark the alternative that is not an example of correspondence between the two gametogenesis:

a) occurrence of several cycles of mitosis in oogonia (spermatogonia and oogonia).
b) presence of diploid cells in cyto-I (spermatocyte I and oocyte I).
c) proportionality of viable gametes produced.
d) size change in the cells that form the gametes.
e) formation of gametes with recombined (different) genotypes.

6) (UEL) In an experiment to determine the importance of pituitary hormones in mammalian reproduction, the pituitary gland was removed (hypophysectomy) from a group of adult female rats. After the hypophysectomy, the animals received physiological doses of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). As a result of this experimental procedure, it is expected that:

a) the ovaries remain inactive.
b) ovulation no longer occurs.
c) release of estrogens and ovulation occurs.
d) uterine atrophy occurs.
e) secondary sexual characteristics disappear

7) (MACKENZIE) The IUD (intrauterine device) is a contraceptive whose main action is:

a) kill sperm.
b) prevent sperm from reaching the egg.
c) prevent ovulation.
d) kill the egg at the time of ovulation.
e) prevent the embryo from attaching to the inner wall of the uterus.

8) (UFMG) Vasectomy has been one of the resources currently sought by men who do not wish to have children. The effectiveness of this contraceptive method is due to:

a) absence of sperm in the semen.
b) change in hormonal control.
c) impediment of sperm production.
d) preventing ejaculation.

9) Sperm are the male gametes of the human species and are produced in the male genital system, more precisely:

a) in the efferent ducts.
b) in the epididymis.
c) in the seminiferous tubules.
d) in the prostate.
e) in the testicle.

10) (UNIVALI) The journal CIÊNCIA HOJE (Jan/Feb 1998) reports the discovery of a new species of native lizard in the region of Linhares-ES. Adult female individuals originate offspring that are always female, genetically identical. These, when they reach sexual maturity, also generate new females, which in turn will repeat the process, thus maintaining a unisexual population. This reproductive mechanism also occurs in other animals: aphids, some beetles and crustaceans, ants and wasps. This is a type of reproduction:

a) sexual, whose fertilization occurs in the larval period and allows natural cloning: pedogenesis.
b) sexual, whose fertilization occurs in the larval period and allows natural cloning: neoteny.
c) sexual, which consists of producing new individuals from an egg, by separating the blastomeres, allowing the formation of several clones: the oliembryonia.
d) sexual, in which the female produces diploid eggs, eliminating the need for sperm. This process is called parthenogenesis and represents a natural cloning mechanism.
e) asexual, in which the female produces diploid eggs, eliminating the need for sperm. This process is called parthenogenesis and represents a natural cloning mechanism.


1 – the
2 – d
3 – b
4 – the
5 – c

6 – c
7 – the
8 – the
9 – c
10 – c

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of Exercises on Bacteria
  • List of exercises on diseases caused by viruses
  • List of dengue exercises

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