Rafael Tobias de Aguiar, Brigadier Tobias

Brazilian politician born in Sorocaba, one of the leaders of the Liberal Revolution (1842), in Sã...

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I prononi relativi che sotituscono complementi indiretti e diretti

1. Meaning: / Meaning: * “It is the content of the element of the linguistic structure that mette...

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Attitude, Prejudice and Stereotype. Attitude, Prejudice and Stereotype

To understand what prejudice is, it is useful to first understand the concept of attitude based ...

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Syllogism figures and some rules for understanding them

Inferring means extracting a proposition as a conclusion from others. O syllogism it is the argu...

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Riassunto sui tipi di testi. Summary of types of texts

Riassunto sui tipi di testi. Summary of types of texts

Covering the l'argoment sui tipi di testi è a po’ complete the cause of the great variety of loro...

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Pronomi diretti: a che persone del discorso si riferiscono

I pronomi diretti sono parti variabili del discorso and che podeno sostituire oggetti and anche p...

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Interiezione interiettiva and you onomatopoeica. Interjective utterance and onomatopathic voice

Interiezione interiettiva and you onomatopoeica. Interjective utterance and onomatopathic voice

Vedi i significati di interiezione ed onomatopoea secondo il ‘Grande Dizionario Hoepli – Italian’...

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Tempo imperfecto: verbi irregolari

Al tempo imperfetto ci sono pochissimi verbi irregolari, allora resta facile ricordarli. I saw al...

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What is homeostasis?

THE homeostasis indicates the organism's property to remain in balance even when radical changes ...

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Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan data

Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan data

Located in the central portion of Asia, Uzbekistan has no outlet to the ocean and is limited to t...

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Rainier Grimaldi, Prince Rainier III of Monaco

Nobleman and head of government of the Principality of Monaco born in the city of Monaco, who und...

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Indirect complement: di mezzo and di Modo. Indirect Complement

Indirect complement: di mezzo and di Modo. Indirect Complement

*Meaning: / Meanings: - Complemento di mezzo: / Complement of medium:“Complement che indicates th...

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