Tempo imperfecto: verbi irregolari

Al tempo imperfetto ci sono pochissimi verbi irregolari, allora resta facile ricordarli. I saw alcuni esempi:/ In imperfect tense there are very few irregular verbs, so it's easy to memorize them. See some examples:

persone of discord ESSERE FARE DIRECT
Io Ero facevo


You eri facevi


lei/lui/law Was faceva


No I we were we faced


go Eravate facevate


parrot erano facevano


*Vedi altri verbi irregolari: tradurrre, I drained and bere. Fà attenzione alla coniugazione del verb I drained. / See other irregular verbs: tradurre, esserci and bere. Pay attention to the conjugation of the verb esserci.

* Abbi always un libro di coniugazione verbale./ Always have a book of verbal conjugation with you.

persone of discord






Osservassione:/ Note: Non si puo’ dimenticare che il verb esserci, with meaning di esistere, releasing si coniuga nella 3rd persona single and 3rd persona plurale./ It cannot be forgotten that the verb esserci, with the meaning of existing, is only conjugated in the 3rd person singular and in the 3rd person plural.

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) Waxun gatto al marciapiede, when Giuseppe ha passato. / There was a cat on the sidewalk when Giuseppe walked by.

2) lie facevo il cibo, mia zia arrivava. / While I was making the food, my aunt arrived.

3) Ero from mia cugina, when il mio ragazzo mi ha telephoned. / I was at my cousin's house when my boyfriend called.

4) Perché non dicevan la verità to Giuseppe? / Why weren't they telling Giuseppe the truth?

5) Faceva molto broth lie arrivavo da mum. / It was very hot when I got home.

6) Cerano change persone al cinema, was affollate. / There were a lot of people in the cinema, it was packed.

Note bene! / Watch!

  • In the Portuguese language there is no agreement if there is 'one thing' or 'many things', in the Italian language, the verb I drained it agrees, as it is a peculiarity of the language.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

There wasmany people at the cinema, it was packed. Ceranomole persone al cinema, it was affollato
There was a cat on the sidewalk. Waxa cat al marciapiede.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/tempo-imperfetto-verbi-irregolari.htm

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