Rafael Tobias de Aguiar, Brigadier Tobias

Brazilian politician born in Sorocaba, one of the leaders of the Liberal Revolution (1842), in São Paulo, and one of the most prominent liberal leaders of the first half of the 19th century. From a wealthy family of farmers, he joined the Militia Regiment and, at the age of 26, gathered at their expense a brigade of one hundred men and went to Rio de Janeiro to fight the Portuguese troops who opposed the independence.
In São Paulo, he was elected member of the provincial councils several times and deputy to the Cortes in Lisbon. President of the Province (1831-1835 / 1840-1841), he received the post of honorary brigadier of the Empire. He performed excellent administration, applying his own salary to schools, public works and charities.
He led the Liberal Revolution (1842) together with Father Diogo Antônio Feijó. Sorocaba was declared provisional capital of the Province (05/16/1842) and the Sorocaban politician, its interim president. Forming the so-called Liberating Column, of 1,500 men, he tried to invade São Paulo and depose the president of the province, the Baron of Monte Alegre.

Before the battle, he married (1842) Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, marquise of Santos, with whom he already had six children. Defeated and imprisoned by the imperial forces, he tried to flee to join the farroupilhas of the south, but was detained in the way, being imprisoned in Fortaleza da Laje, in Rio de Janeiro, until being amnesty (1844) and he died in the city of Rio de January.
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order R - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/rafael-tobias.htm

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