What is RAM and what is it for

RAM memory is a temporary storage space from your PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet or game console....

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Meaning of Ubiquity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ubiquity means be present at the same time everywhere. It is the property or state of what is ubi...

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Understand what autophagy is and how it works in your body

Autophagy is a process done by all cells to eliminate toxins responsible for your aging. It promo...

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Popular Meanings (79)

Color TheoryColor Theory are the studies and experiments related to the association between light...

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Assumption Meaning (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

Assumption is the feminine noun that indicates the attitude of assuming something.When a crime oc...

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Popular Meanings (87)

Definition of BypassBypass is an English term that means to bypass, bypass, bypass or go around. ...

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5 Selfless Attitudes That Changed the World

5 Selfless Attitudes That Changed the World

The world would be a much more beautiful place if we all practiced altruism. By the way, do you R...

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Meaning of Kitsch (What it is, Concept and Definition)

kitsch is a noun of German origin that describes a thing with bad taste, under the aesthetics. It...

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Meaning of Fellowship (What it is, Concept and Definition)

confraternization is a feminine noun meaning the act of fraternize or live together fraternally w...

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Popular Meanings (86)

Definition of racial prejudiceRacial prejudice is any form of expression that discriminates again...

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Popular Meanings (75)

Meaning of EngagingEngage is a verb in Portuguese, referring to the act of voluntarily participat...

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Meaning of Prequel (What it is, Concept and Definition)

prequel is a feminine noun that describes a literary, dramatic or cinematographic work reporting ...

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