Popular Meanings (86)

Definition of racial prejudice

Racial prejudice is any form of expression that discriminates against an ethnicity or culture for considering it inferior or less capable. Also called racism or racial prejudice, prejudice...

Meaning of Bear

Showcasing is the action of showing or exhibiting with fanfare, with pomp, in public or private acts. It is to show yourself with ostentation, that is, with great luxury, splendor or sumptuousness. For example: He loves...

Definition of VAT

IPVA stands for Motor Vehicle Property Tax, which is a state tax with the goal of raising money on people's cars, no matter what type of vehicle for...

Definition of NAFTA

NAFTA is the English acronym for North American Free Trade Agreement (North American Free Trade Agreement), an economic bloc formed by the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. Main...

Meaning of Report

Lauda is the name given to one side of a sheet of paper, whether it is a notebook, book or other type of text that follows a pattern. The page is the set of settings that guarantee the standard of...

Definition of Bias

Bias is a masculine noun originating from the French term biais, which means oblique, slant, askew, or classifies something that has an oblique direction. Bias can also designate a strip of cloth...

meaning of clergy

Clergy is the word that describes the clerical class, that is, they are the religious, known as priests, who are part of a Church, from the Latin cleru. The clergy is a group of religious, who can...

meaning of region

Region is a large expanse of land. It is a territory that, due to its climate, soil, vegetation, economic production and other characteristics of its own, differs from neighboring territories. Is...

Definition of Heterotrophs

Heterotrophs are living beings that are not able to produce their own food and therefore need to ingest or absorb preformed organic molecules from other living beings, to obtaining...

Meaning of Itinerant

Itinerant is a term originated in Latin whose meaning is related to the act of constantly moving around, traveling itineraries, traveling. By definition of the activity, a circus is itinerant...

Meaning of Omit

Omitting means not saying, writing or doing something in certain situations that was expected, or even necessary, to manifest itself. Omitting is putting aside, forgetting, neglecting, silencing, no...

Definition of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is any type of violence that is practiced between members who live in a common family environment. It can happen between people with blood ties (such as parents and children), or united from...

Definition of supply chain

Supply chain is an English expression that means “supply chain” or “logistics chain”, in Portuguese translation. It consists of a concept that encompasses the entire logistical process of...

Definition of Review

A critical review is a type of informative and interpretive summary about a certain subject, whether it is a literary, cinematographic, musical, etc. work. The main feature of this genre of review is the...

Verse meaning

Verso is the ablative of the Latin term “versus, a, a” which means “turned, turned”. The word “back” designates the opposite side, the opposite page to the front or the inside face of the sheets of...

Portuguese language (31)

Meaning of PejorativePejorative is an adjective that describes a word or idea that has an unpleas...

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Portuguese language (32)

Meaning of BroughtTrouxe is a conjugation of the verb to bring in the past perfect tense. It mean...

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Portuguese language (33)

What is news?News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads...

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