Popular Meanings (87)

Definition of Bypass

Bypass is an English term that means to bypass, bypass, bypass or go around. Bypass has different meanings, it can be an alternative path, a method in hydraulics, a...

Definition of Lexicon

Lexicon means dictionary, it is the set of words of a language, arranged in alphabetical order and with their respective meanings. Lexicon is the meeting of the proper terms of an art, of a...

meaning of attraction

Attraction is the action of attracting something or someone, in a charming or seductive way, from a set of characteristics (physical, emotional or psychological) that arouse interest or desire for...

Meaning of Bit and Byte

Bit is the acronym for Binary Digit, which in Portuguese means binary digit, that is, it is the smallest unit of information that can be stored or transmitted. It is generally used in computing and theory...

Advertising Meaning

Advertising means, generically, to disclose, make public a fact or an idea. The word advertising derives from the Latin “publicus”, “public” in Portuguese. Advertising is a communication technique...

meaning of envy

Envy is the desire to own a good that belongs to another. It is a feeling of inferiority and disgust at the happiness of the other. It is a feeling of greed for wealth, brightness and prosperity...

Definition of INPUT

INPUT is an English language expression that means input. The term is widely used in the area of ​​Information Technology (IT), as well as in several other areas of human activity, such as...

Definition of Imprinting

Imprinting is an English language noun, which can mean impression, mark, imprint, stamp, sign, etc. This word is also used to describe concepts and phenomena related to...

meaning of prayer

Prayer is a prayer or prayer addressed to God or another spiritual being and is part of the rituals of most religions. It is a religious act in which man seeks to maintain a...

meaning of gigolo

Gigolo is a masculine noun that defines the individual who survives or is supported by another person in exchange for sexual services. It can be considered a synonym for "program boy" or...

meaning of stigma

Stigma is a scar caused on the body by a wound or wound, also featuring a mole or natural sign of the body. In the religious sphere, stigma is the name given to the wounds that some religious...

Definition of Proficiency

Proficiency is the demonstration of one's knowledge, competence and ability. Proficiency is an adjective to qualify a person who has full knowledge of a certain subject, who performs everything...

Extinction meaning

Extinction means the effect of extinction and is directly related to biology and ecology. Extinction is death, the total disappearance of several species, such as animals, plants, and it can...

Definition of Degree

Bachelor's degree is an academic degree received by an individual who completes their studies at an institution of higher education, usually a college or university; the act of licensing someone to something. THE...

Definition of Joe Ruela

Zé Ruela is a slang term for a passive person who cannot think of a solution to solve a difficult situation. It can also be a person lacking in wisdom, who is slow to...

Popular Meanings (283)

Meaning of state of exceptionState of exception is a temporary measure used in emergency situatio...

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Popular Meanings (286)

Meaning of CeaseCease is a verb in Portuguese that refers to the act of interrupting the progress...

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Popular Meanings (285)

Definition of FraudFraud is an illegal and dishonest action, characterized by the forgery of prod...

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