What is RAM and what is it for

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RAM memory is a temporary storage space from your PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet or game console. It is used to store data that is currently being processed by your machine. Whatever the system, without RAM (Random Access Memory) it would not be possible to perform many tasks quickly and efficiently.

What is RAM memory for?

In a very practical way: RAM memory serves to make our life easier. It is a short-term component whose function is store the necessary data for immediate use. Everything running on your computer or smartphone, like a web browser or an app, relies on RAM to run as efficiently as possible.

If it weren't for RAM, we would have to look for this information on the computer's hard drive: the HD (hard disk). And the hard drive, while critical for long-term storage, is much slower than RAM.

How does RAM work?

RAM works like this: when we need to open a Word or Excel document, for example, we get this information from the hard disk, where it is stored. This information is copied to RAM for us to work with. When we finish our task and turn off the computer, this data disappears from RAM and is archived in long-term storage spaces – whether on hard drive, external hard drive or in the cloud.

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The desk and closet analogy is often used to explain how RAM works. The cabinet would be the HD, where we file our documents, applications and programs.

The desk would be RAM memory. When we are working, we leave all the necessary material spread out on the table, in order to speed up and facilitate our work. The table fulfills a similar function as RAM memory. At the end of the day, we go back to storing the material in the closet (hard disk).

What is the optimal size of RAM memory?

Answer: It depends on your user profile. If you frequently run programs that require a lot of memory or do a lot of tasks at the same time, chances are you need more RAM.

Continuing the table analogy: there are small tables and large tables. And the same goes for RAM. There are less elaborate computer games that require 1GB of RAM or not even that. A game with this minimum requirement runs on almost any PC.

But if you want to edit a video or play the most modern and sophisticated games, then 16+ GB of RAM, since you will need more temporary storage space to perform such tasks heavy.

One thing that happens a lot in our day to day, when we are engaged in several tasks at the same time, is leaving several tabs open in the internet browser. Because did you know that it consumes RAM memory? 20 tabs open in your browser can compromise your RAM by more than 2 GB.

So, you can say that RAM is directly related to the speed of your machine. The more RAM it has, the more nimbly it will perform its tasks. On the other hand, too little RAM – or a RAM full of junk and unnecessary programs – can mean low performance. And nobody likes a slow machine, right?

See too:

  • Definition of HD
  • meaning of smartphone
  • Meaning of Hardware
  • Meaning of Software
  • meaning of windows

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