Popular Meanings (79)

Color Theory

Color Theory are the studies and experiments related to the association between light and the nature of colors. Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Goethe and other scholars initially sought to know how...

Definition of Census

Census is the set of statistical data that informs different characteristics of the inhabitants of a city, a state or a nation. The word comes from the Latin “census” which means...

Definition of Inventory

Inventory is an accounting document that consists of a listing of assets that belong to a person, entity or community. Within a company, carrying out an inventory is done so that...

Definition of Issue Date

Issue date is the record of the day, month and year that a given document was issued by its respective issuing body, indicating the date on which it began to be considered valid. The ID issue date...

Definition of Spam

Spam is a term of English origin whose meaning designates an electronic message received but not requested by the user. The content of a spam is usually an advertising message that has the...

Meaning of Emphasis

Emphasis is a feminine noun meaning highlight, highlight, exaltation, or importance. Expressing emphasis is showing exaggerated enthusiasm and eloquence when speaking or gesturing. E.g.: Your...

Definition of Overdose

Overdose means an overdose or overdose, an excessive amount or overexposure to something, such as chemicals. In a figurative sense, an overdose can also refer to an exposure...

Definition of GDP Per Capita

GDP per capita is the gross domestic product, divided by the number of inhabitants in a country. The GDP is the sum of all the assets of a country, and the higher the GDP, the more it demonstrates how much that country is...

Definition of Woodcut

Woodcut means wood engraving. It is an ancient technique, of Chinese origin, in which the craftsman uses a piece of wood to carve a design, leaving in relief the part he intends to make the...

Definition of Anorexia

Anorexia is the reduction or loss of appetite that results in an individual's extreme thinness. Anorexia is caused by psychological disorders in which the affected person, even being thin, looks fat and,...

Meaning of Memorandum

Memorandum is a common textual genre in the official internal communications of institutions, companies and public bodies. Memos serve as a means of conveying information to employees...

meaning of WC

WC is an acronym in English for Water Closet, which means "water cabinet", in the literal translation into Portuguese. The English usually use the toilet to identify public restrooms,...

Definition of Ajayô

Ajayô is an African expression that means a breath of greeting to Oxalá. It is often spoken in a similar sense to the expression "God willing" or "I hope" and is used to make a greeting to...

Definition of Blasphemy

Blasphemy is an offense to a deity. It is an insult to a religion or to everything that is considered sacred. It is the slander of a God's name. Blasphemy is also an insulting word or act against...

Meaning of Commitment

Commitment is a masculine noun meaning the action of committing or committing to someone or something. The word commitment comes from the Latin term commitsus, which indicated...

Popular Meanings (14)

Definition of sarcasticSarcastic is a masculine adjective that qualifies an individual who reveal...

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Latest Meanings (12)

6 consequences of globalization in the worldGlobalization has far-reaching effects on our lifesty...

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Latest Meanings (13)

What does the at sign (@) signify?The at sign is a graphic symbol represented by the @ sign, and ...

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