Meaning of Kitsch (What it is, Concept and Definition)

kitsch is a noun of German origin that describes a thing with bad taste, under the aesthetics. It's a content created to appeal to popular taste.

Being something of little quality, kitsch is often sentimental or sensational. Verskitchen, the German word for this term, designates the fraud of imitating works of art.

Some examples of objects kitsch they are ornaments, stuffed animals, etc. In a popular sense, the word kitsch has a pejorative sense and can be translated as paltry, corny or tacky.

This word started to be used around 1870, it was used to describe objects that are in fashion, but that are made without stylistic rigor. Kitsch has a high acceptance from the public, from the mass culture, which receives these contents passively, without a critical mentality.

This style is related to artistic, social and cultural stereotypes, and replaces elements of folklore. O kitsch it's also a question of relativity, because the concept of good or bad is relative. So what is kitsch for some it is not for others.

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