This fruit will help you in the slimming process; know which

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Maintaining a balanced diet is extremely important to lose weight. In this process, it is essential to replace unhealthy foods with natural options.

Fortunately, there are fruits, greens and vegetables that are a "hand on the wheel" for those who are in this phase.

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This is because most foods of this type are rich in fiber and nutrients that are important for the body and which, in addition, accelerate weight loss.

And speaking of losing weight, we want to introduce you to a little fruit that can help you in this fight. Find out what it is in the next topics!

See too: Do you have hypertension? Then you should stay AWAY from these fruits and vegetables.

Fruit that promotes weight loss

In addition to apples, which promote satiety and are low in calories, raspberries have been associated with weight loss.

Because of this, it is one of the favorite indications of nutritionists for patients who want to eat well.

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Consumption of up to a cup of raspberries can improve your health when associated with a varied diet without industrialized products.

So how about including it in your daily menu?

Why does eating raspberries help with weight loss?

low calorie

Raspberry is a low-calorie fruit. On average, a portion between 150g and 200g has 60 calories, which means that you can enjoy a cup full of these delicious berries, especially for breakfast.

Dietary fiber

This fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, which leads to weight loss in a healthy way. Fiber helps to increase the feeling of satiety, reducing hunger and desire for food. candy.

In addition, it promotes the functioning of the intestine, essential to avoid constipation and abdominal pain.

Water content

Raspberries have a high water content, which contributes to the hydration and reduced swelling.

Water-rich foods tend to have fewer calories relative to their volume, which is often beneficial for those looking to lose weight.


Finally, they are rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins. Antioxidants help fight oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, and this positively impacts overall health and metabolism.

In this sense, it strengthens the immune system and favors the weight loss process.

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