Ambev opens registrations for the 2023 Trainee Program

Attention, young talents! Ambev, one of the largest beverage manufacturers in the country, is acc...

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‘Kidney brothers’: organ donation changes two lives forever

‘Kidney brothers’: organ donation changes two lives forever

Two boys went through a life change and formed a great bond of friendship at the most unusual tim...

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Archaeologists find remains of a complex civilization in the south of Piauí; look

Archaeologists find remains of a complex civilization in the south of Piauí; look

Researchers from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) found a skeleton whose burial method sugg...

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Study shows that Mozart's music can be a 'painkiller' for babies; understand

Study shows that Mozart's music can be a 'painkiller' for babies; understand

Imagine a peaceful scene in a maternity ward, where babies Newborns undergo a routine heel prick ...

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No difficult calculations! 5 professions in the HUMAN area that offer salaries above R$10,000

No difficult calculations! 5 professions in the HUMAN area that offer salaries above R$10,000

The Human Sciences areas often face stereotypes that their professionals study a lot to earn litt...

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Exercises on industrialization (with answer sheet)

Industrialization was an essential process for the formation of human society as we know it. It w...

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Dog smell never again: THIS tip will save your home!

Dog smell never again: THIS tip will save your home!

The presence of dogs at home is a source of happiness, but it can also bring challenges, such as ...

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Exercises on rock art (with answer sheet and explanations)

An arts topic that is often asked for in entrance exams and competitions is rock art.Therefore, w...

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THE GREAT MYSTERY of 'The Lion King' is finally revealed; check out!

THE GREAT MYSTERY of 'The Lion King' is finally revealed; check out!

With unforgettable music and stunning animation, “The Lion King” is one of Disney’s most iconic w...

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Convex polygons: what they are and how to recognize one

Convex polygons: what they are and how to recognize one

Convex polygons are those with internal angles less than 180º. Polygons are flat, closed figures,...

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The biggest heat wave in recent times will affect several Brazilian states; check out

The biggest heat wave in recent times will affect several Brazilian states; check out

According to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), the temperatures can exceed the incre...

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Diagonals of a polygon: what they are and how to calculate them

Diagonals of a polygon: what they are and how to calculate them

The diagonals in a polygon are straight segments that connect two non-consecutive vertices throu...

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