The biggest heat wave in recent times will affect several Brazilian states; check out

According to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), the temperatures can exceed the incredible mark of 40ºC in several regions of the country soon. Therefore, the institute issued an orange alert, indicating a high risk for several regions.

The forecast points to an increase in temperature in some states during the period between September 18th and 24th. According to the data, the temperature should rise around 5ºC beyond what was previously predicted for this period.

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Check out the main places affected by the coming heat wave

The main states affected by heat wave they must be those in the Central-West region, also extending to São Paulo. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at the most impacted locations:

  • Goiás (in the central, south, north and northwest regions);

  • Mato Grosso (in the northeast, southeast, southwest and north areas);

  • Mato Grosso do Sul (across the state);

  • Minas Gerais (in the Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba region);

  • Paraná (across the state);

  • Pará (in the southwest and southeast parts);

  • Rio de Janeiro (in the southern part of the state);

  • São Paulo (across the state);

  • Tocantins (in the east and west parts).

(Image: disclosure)

These states must present the temperatures higher during the passage of this heat wave across the country. However, the climate can change depending on the region the meteorological phenomenon affects, according to Inmet.

Temperature variation in states, according to Inmet

Also according to the forecast made by the institute, some cities such as Cuiabá, capital of Mato Grosso, are expected to have temperatures above 40ºC.

To be even more precise, Inmet's forecast indicates that the maximum for the municipality could reach around 43 °C between the 21st and 22nd of September.

Furthermore, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo must present thermal levels above 40 °C. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of adequate protection, especially when traveling in open environments.

Inmet also warns that people should maintain constant hydration, avoid long-term exposure to sunlight as much as possible and maintain good air circulation indoors. This prevents heat-related complications and problems.

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