Most parents in England fail to take their children to school daily; understand the reason

Most parents in England fail to take their children to school daily; understand the reason

A recent survey revealed that English parents no longer consider daily school attendance as vital...

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Avoid drinking reheated coffee for THESE 4 reasons

Oh, the coffee! This drink that envelops us with its unmistakable aroma and awakens us with its e...

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'Doggy' caterpillar: expert explains the DANGERS of this animal; look

'Doggy' caterpillar: expert explains the DANGERS of this animal; look

The puppy caterpillar, which is scientifically known as Megalopyge opercularis, is a small creatu...

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'Doggy' caterpillar: expert explains the DANGERS of this animal; look

'Doggy' caterpillar: expert explains the DANGERS of this animal; look

The puppy caterpillar, which is scientifically known as Megalopyge opercularis, is a small creatu...

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It's not an iPhone, but it's the same: 4 CHEAP cell phones that look like the Apple device

It's not an iPhone, but it's the same: 4 CHEAP cell phones that look like the Apple device

For those who appreciate the design of Apple models, like the recently launched iPhone 15 whose ...

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Can sausage really take 32 years to be fully digested by the body?

Sausage is a popular food in many parts of the world, known for its versatility and unique flavor...

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3 signs seek UNATTAINABLE love on September 23, 2023; know what they are

3 signs seek UNATTAINABLE love on September 23, 2023; know what they are

If you are one of the signs that we will mention below, then the day September 23, 2023 it can be...

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'Minimal Monday': what does this trend change in your professional life?

'Minimal Monday': what does this trend change in your professional life?

In a world driven by a frenetic culture, in which the pressure of productivity is constant, it is...

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Spring 2023 and what is important for studies

Spring 2023 and what is important for studies

Spring 2023 begins today, September 23, at 3:50 am (Brasília time), in Brazil. The season continu...

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Caramel mongrels 'invade' the supermarket to escape the heat and go viral; see images

Caramel mongrels 'invade' the supermarket to escape the heat and go viral; see images

The wave of heat that ravages Tocantins and many other regions of Brazil has consequences not onl...

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Why will electric cars become MORE EXPENSIVE in Brazil? Understand the reasons

Why will electric cars become MORE EXPENSIVE in Brazil? Understand the reasons

According to Uallace Moreira, secretary of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce (MD...

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Do you know what is the BIGGEST structure ever observed in the universe? We tell you

Do you know what is the BIGGEST structure ever observed in the universe? We tell you

O universe It is made up of galaxies and planets of extraordinary proportions and inestimable bea...

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