'Doggy' caterpillar: expert explains the DANGERS of this animal; look

The puppy caterpillar, which is scientifically known as Megalopyge opercularis, is a small creature that is part of the Megalopygidae family.

These caterpillars are found in some regions of North and South America. They are called this because of their peculiar behavior of moving in a way similar to a puppy walking sideways.

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The puppy caterpillar is also notable for its fluffy, furry appearance, covered in soft, silky bristles that can vary in color, often with shades of brown or gray.

Despite their friendly appearance, these caterpillars have an incredible defense system: they are equipped with spines hidden under their hair, which can be poisonous.

Puppy caterpillar causes serious reactions in humans

Environmental educator Matheus Mesquita clarified that this species is, in fact, poisonous. The soft bristles of these caterpillars, when they come into contact with human skin, release a powerful toxin that causes intense pain.

Additionally, there may be swelling and burn-like effects. Therefore, it is crucial to take precautions when dealing with these caterpillars and avoid any direct contact with them to avoid discomfort and adverse reactions.

Those insects They undergo metamorphosis and transform into nocturnal moths. In the moth stage, they play a crucial role in pollination, contributing to maintaining ecological balance.

(Image: reproduction)

At this stage, the moths are harmless as they have lost their toxic bristles. This caterpillar is so well known for causing such an uncomfortable sensation that it has been nicknamed the “fire caterpillar”.

Mesquita clarifies that the burning sensation is caused precisely by the toxins in the bristles. For humans, in addition to intense localized pain, symptoms can include nausea, fever and headache.

In severe cases, they can even lead to breathing difficulties and, ultimately, bleeding. Therefore, treatment is crucial, especially given the fact that these burns are not common.

Immediate measures include washing the affected area with running water, remaining calm, avoiding excessive physical activity, and seeking medical attention quickly.

It is essential to avoid using tourniquets or bandages on the area affected by the caterpillar. If possible, take a photo of the caterpillar or take it to the health center.

In practice, this can help with accurate identification, which is essential to determine whether it is necessary to use a serum to neutralize the venom.

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