Nubank explains decision to cancel user purchases

more and more the Nubank grows in Brazil and manages to increase its portfolio of customers who u...

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Abbreviation for teacher and teacher

When doing a school or academic work, a doubt arises: what is the correct form of abbreviation fo...

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Wonderful detox juice recipe with kale and lemon

Detox juices are a good option for those who want to nourish their body and cleanse the organism....

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What is CDI?

O Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) is the name given to loans that banks make to each other. T...

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Young man creates spreadsheet that evaluates the bathrooms of Brazilian companies

Something very unusual is happening in the Internet. There's a Google Spreadsheets spreadsheet go...

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Exercises on the chemical composition of the cell

A chemical composition of cells of living beings changes according to the type of cell, the tissu...

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Psychologist points out: people 'addicted to drama' have these 5 characteristics

Many people have someone in their life who constantly seems to be the source of drama. An expert ...

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MEC will announce the project for civic-military schools in the coming days

The Ministry of Education (MEC) should announce in the next few days the actions to expand the nu...

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Want to take a different path than the CLT? Vocational courses are options

Some data from the School Census that was carried out last year were released by INEP/MEC. The su...

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Do you know what happens to unpaid debts?

As a result of the economic crisis in our country, going through periods of tightness, unfortunat...

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Who is entitled to disability pension?

Disability retirement is a very important social benefit guaranteed by the INSS for some workers....

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Student 'a thousand' in Enem 2022 wrote an essay a day for 3 years

One of the stages of the National High School Examination (ENEM) is writing. It is one of the ass...

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