Exercises on the chemical composition of the cell

A chemical composition of cells of living beings changes according to the type of cell, the tissue it occupies and the function performed by it. However, essential components are common to all living things.

The most abundant elements within cells are carbon, O hydrogen, O oxygen and the nitrogen.

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The other elements integrate organic and inorganic compounds that are specific to each cell type.

Our team has prepared a list of exercises on the chemical composition of the cell for you to test your knowledge of cellular biochemistry.

Be sure to consult the template and save the list in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises – Chemical Composition of the Cell

1) (PUC-RS) The cell cytoplasm is composed of organelles dispersed in an aqueous solution called cytosol. Water therefore plays a key role in the cell. Of the roles that water plays in the cytosol, which no it's correct?

a) Participates in osmotic balance.
b) Catalyzes chemical reactions.
c) Acts as a universal solvent.
d) Participates in hydrolysis reactions.
e) It participates in the transport of molecules.

2) (IFCE) Analyze the following propositions:

“It acts as a universal solvent, being extremely important for the chemical reactions that occur in the cells of living beings. Other important functions are the transport of ions and molecules throughout the body, thermal regulation and lubricating action.”

“They are found in two forms: soluble (found in the form of ions) and insoluble (forming part of skeletal structures, etc.) and represent about 1% of the cellular composition.”

The substances described are:

a) water and lipids.
b) lipid and mineral salts.
c) protein and lipids.
d) water and mineral salts.
e) water and acidic salts.

3) (IFCE) Living beings are formed, chemically, by two large groups of compounds: organic and inorganic. Minerals, inorganic, perform very important functions for the living being and the deficiency of some of them, in the human body, can cause various diseases and damage to health. The mineral, which is responsible for the constitution of hemoglobin and is related to the transport of O2 by the blood, whose deficiency can cause the disease known as anemia, is the:

a) phosphorus.
b) iodine.
c) sodium.
d) Potassium.
i) iron.

4) (IFMG) The egg is a perfect biological container that contains organic and inorganic material in its constitution. One of its components is the white or albumen, formed predominantly by water and also by proteins. If the hen reproduces before the release of the egg, an embryo will form inside the egg. However, for this to develop, a transfer of heat is necessary, which occurs during the period in which these birds hatch the eggs. Available in:. Accessed on 21 Apr. 2015. Adapted.

If the hen temporarily leaves the nest during this period, the development of the embryo will not cease due to the water inside the egg:

a) dilute toxic substances.
b) be a universal solvent.
c) have a high specific heat.
d) participate in hydrolysis reactions.
e) have high nutritional value.

5) (UFRGS) Associate the chemical elements of the upper column with the organic functions of the lower column.

  1. Magnesium
  2. Potassium
  3. Iodine
  4. Calcium
  5. Sodium
  6. iron

( ) formation of bone tissue
( ) transport of oxygen
( ) assimilation of light energy
( ) water balance in the body
( ) nerve impulse transmission

The correct number sequence, from top to bottom in the bottom column, is

a) 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2.
b) 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 1.
c) 4 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 2.
d) 5 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 1.
e) 6 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 1.

6) (Mackenzie) They are chemical substances constituted by amino acids, united by successive peptide bonds, and important as nutrients and with other functions in our organism. We refer to:

a) carbohydrates.
b) proteins.
c) lipids.
d) vitamins.
e) mineral salts.

7) (UFMG) Regarding vitamins, all of the statements below are correct, except:

a) Vitamin A, found mainly in eggs and milk, is protective of the epithelium and its lack can cause night blindness.
b) Vitamin D, found mainly in citrus fruits, acts on the metabolism of fats and its lack can determine beriberi.
c) Vitamin B12 can be synthesized by intestinal bacteria and its lack can determine pernicious anemia.
d) Vitamin C, found in vegetables, maintains normal connective tissue and its lack can cause scurvy.
e) Vitamin K acts as one of the essential factors for blood clotting.

8) Examples of organic molecules found in living beings are:

a) water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
b) water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and vitamins.
c) water, mineral salts, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.
d) mineral salts, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
e) carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

9) (UFPI) The following text refers to the origin of life on Earth. “The metabolic process in which beings use light energy in the production of organic compounds requires a high degree of structural and functional complexity. This implies that the first living beings had a highly developed enzymatic system.”

Mark the alternative that correctly associates the text with the theory about the origin of life.

a) Abiogenesis.
b) Directed panspermia.
c) Autotrophic hypothesis.
d) Biogenesis.
e) Endosymbiotic association.

10) (UEL) Considering essential amino acids for a given animal, those:

a) that it needs and synthesizes from other substances.
b) that he needs, but cannot synthesize, having to receive them in his diet.
c) that he needs only in the first stages of his development.
d) obtained directly from plants, which are the only organisms to synthesize them.
e) resulting from the degradation of its own proteins.


1 — b
2 — d
3 — and
4 — c
5 — c

6 — b
7 — b
8 — and
9 — d
10 — b

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises on glycolysis
  • List of exercises on the structure of proteins
  • List of exercises on carbohydrates
  • List of exercises on amino acids

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