Meaning of Longsuffering (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Long-suffering is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and defines someone who has the characteristic or quality of greatness of mind, a person who bravely face adversity in favor of someone. This term is related to the act of be kind or generous.

Extreme patience in enduring offenses, injuries, or one's own sufferings can also be an example of long-suffering.

The free meaning of the word of Hebrew origin is "slow to anger", that is, someone who is slow to enter into a state of anger, anger or rancor. In the Greek version of the expression (makrothymia), the literal meaning would be "spirit length".

Longsuffering in the Bible

Long-suffering is a characteristic much defended in Christian doctrine, through the bible, being present in several verses and religious texts.

Long-suffering is a virtue of one who is kind and generous, who believes and has faith in God to help solve their problems.

According to the teachings of God, recorded in the Bible, the long-suffering (person who practices the "

longsuffering of God") may appear weak in the eyes of infidels, but in fact he uses discernment and wisdom to resolve adversity without using physical force or irrationally.

In fact, for Christian doctrine, the lack of long-suffering is one of the major causes of intolerance and violence in humanity.

In one of the passages of the Holy Bible, in Galatians 5:22, long-suffering is described as one of the elements that is part of the fruit of the spirit, although some translations mention patience rather than long-suffering.

Longsuffering and Kindness

Long-suffering and kindness are correlated within the teachings of God. The act of being patient in the face of problems or injuries is characteristic of long-suffering, while kindness is the act of doing good, doing what is morally right.

A benign person is expected to do good or help others without pretensions to rewards in return.

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