Hydration reactions in alkadienes

Hydration reactions in alkadienes

At hydration reactions in alkadienes they are addition reactions, that is, the components (hydron...

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What is periodic tithe?

What is periodic tithe?

tithesperiodic they are infinite and periodic numbers. Infinite, for they have no end, and period...

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What is a substance?

What is a substance?

Substances are materials that have all properties well defined, determined and practically consta...

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Meaning of the stars of the Brazilian flag

Meaning of the stars of the Brazilian flag

The Brazilian flag was deployed on November 19, 1889, the idea of ​​the current flag was develope...

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Tom Jobim: life, partnerships, works, curiosities

Tom Jobim: life, partnerships, works, curiosities

One of the Brazilian artists who had the greatest projection abroad, Tom Jobim he was a conductor...

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Rolls and social discrimination. The phenomenon of rolls

Rolls and social discrimination. The phenomenon of rolls

A spectrum haunts shopping malls – the spectrum of roll. With the parody of the opening sentence ...

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What is dominance and recessivity?

We know that alleles are genes that occupy the same place (locus) in chromosomes counterparts. Th...

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Homogeneous Catalysis. Homogeneous Catalysis Mechanism

Homogeneous Catalysis. Homogeneous Catalysis Mechanism

In the text "How do catalyst substances work?”, it has been shown that catalysts are able to incr...

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Battle of Sedan and the Franco-Prussian rivalry. sedan battle

The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 was regarded as the first war in which modern combat methods...

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Homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical balances

When reversible reactions reach a point where the rate at which products form (direct reaction) a...

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Threat of cell phone batteries

Threat of cell phone batteries

Modernity has brought an increase in risks, each day household appliances or electronics and thei...

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Lignin in paper composition

Why are some papers darker than others? What prolongs the useful life of the material most used i...

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