What is the ideal age to buy a cell phone for your child?

Something unquestionable today is the advancement of technology around the world, and it is possible to say that human beings are completely connected in their daily lives. A curious fact is how this dominance happened so quickly, remembering that smartphones and tablets are relatively new on the market. Even for this reason, there is still not much research on the effects of continuous and prolonged use of these devices, both for adults and for children in particular.

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It is important to remember that, in the case of children, their brains are still in the development phase, discovering themselves and discovering things as well. In this phase, there is a need for activities that collaborate and help to develop certain skills and creativity, as well as fine motor skills, for example, socializing and playing with other children and painting designs. Thus, the insertion into this online universe, in an exacerbated way, can cause damage to the learning, communication and development of these little ones.

Another interesting fact is that the social network Instagram recommends that people start creating their profiles on the network from the age of 13. This information already brings a reflection on what would be the appropriate age group to enter this universe of exposure to so much content.

The question that many parents must ask themselves is: how old should I give my child a cell phone? In fact, it is something that I see being widely discussed, but that deserves even greater attention on the part of those responsible. We know that access to information is great, and the internet plays this role very well, but, on the other hand, there are many dangers that are also linked to the use of networks.

A study carried out in 19 countries in Europe reveals that 80% of children between the ages of 9 and 16 already own a cell phone and use it daily. From the age of 17, 90% of teenagers already have a smartphone to call their own. The survey also reports that most children still cannot understand and perceive the real risks that exist on the internet and in the uncontrolled use of social networks. For adolescents, the frequent use of these networks is linked to higher levels of dissatisfaction with life over the years.

The researchers defend the idea that there should be an age limit for the use of the cell phone, but the truth is that there is no specific rule about this case. Psychologists who study children's behavior claim that postponing the purchase of a cell phone as much as possible is the best thing to do. This is because, from the moment the child gets a smartphone, it is important to impose limits, control networks and their applications and monitor the child during use, especially when they are alone. In addition, excessive use of the device can trigger diseases such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, among others.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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