Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Data

Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Data

Sierra Leone is a country located on the African continent, bordered by the Atlantic, bordered on...

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Probability in Lotto Fácil

Probability in Lotto Fácil

Many people have thought about winning easy money, and the most suitable way to do this is to pla...

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Language of the Third Reich

One of the main features of movementstotalitarian of the first half of the 20th century, like fas...

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Uruguay – Geographical Aspects. Main data from Uruguay

Uruguay – Geographical Aspects. Main data from Uruguay

Uruguay is a South American country whose territory, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, borders Brazil...

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Meningitis: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention

THE meningitis is a disease that consists of inflammation of the meninges – membranes surrounding...

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Why does dry ice sublime? The sublimation of dry ice

Why does dry ice sublime? The sublimation of dry ice

Dry ice is so called because despite having the appearance of ice (water in the solid state), it ...

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Possible solution to reduce CO2 emissions

Possible solution to reduce CO2 emissions

The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum derivatives, coal and natural gas, to generate energy ...

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1st month of pregnancy. Characteristics of the first month of pregnancy

Since we have months of 28, 30, and 31 days, some doctors often suggest that calculations for a w...

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Do you think reading is difficult?

Do you think reading is difficult?

Many people feel that reading is one of the most difficult actions to be practiced! I agree with ...

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How to make a text cohesive?

Sometimes in your newsroom you may have read little messages like: lack of cohesion or confusing...

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ABO system: chart, blood types, exercises

ABO system: chart, blood types, exercises

O ABO system classifies blood groups into types A, B, AB and O. This system was described in 1900...

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Mixed Circuit. Calculation of equivalent resistance in a mixed circuit

Mixed Circuit. Calculation of equivalent resistance in a mixed circuit

In several situations we can have an electrical circuit made up of resistors connected both in pa...

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