Livestock in the Midwest region

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The Midwest region is the fastest growing in Brazil, its main economic activity is livestock, although in recent years agriculture has intensified, as well as the industrial sector.
Among the various creations that make up livestock, cattle raising is the most representative in the region, with about 70 million heads of cattle. The Midwest accounts for about 36% of national production, holds the largest herd in Brazil.
The second main breeding is pig, however, breeders are dispersed in the region, they are respectively in the south of Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul.
One of the factors that favor this economic activity are the natural conditions (climate, relief, vegetation, water) in the region.
Livestock farming is usually extensively developed. In the Pantanal, livestock is the main economic source, the region offers natural pastures, in addition to brackish water from lakes found in higher areas. It is precisely to these places that the herd is taken during the rainy season. In the period between January and June, the wetland becomes a huge flooded plain.

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The creation of beef cattle is the most prominent, although there are dairy basins in the states that make up the region. Meat production, in addition to supplying the local market, supplies the consumer market in the Southeast region.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Livestock in the Midwest region"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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