Meningitis: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention

THE meningitis is a disease that consists of inflammation of the meninges – membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be mainly caused by virus or bacteria. The table of viral meningitis it's lighter and yours symptoms resemble those of flu and colds. However, the bacterial - mainly caused by meningococci, pneumococci or hemophilia - it is highly contagious and usually severe, with meningococcal disease being the most serious. She, caused by Neisseria meningitidis, can cause inflammation of the meninges and also generalized infection (meningococcemia). The human being is the only natural host of this bacterium whose sequelae can be varied: from learning difficulties to cerebral palsy, going through problems such as deafness.

THE streaming is caused by the contact of the saliva or droplets of saliva of the sick person with the respiratory organs of a healthy individual, taking the bacteria to the circulatory system approximately five days after the Contagion. As children up to 6 years of age still do not have their immune systems fully consolidated, they are the most vulnerable. Elderly and immunocompromised people are also part of the most susceptible group.

The disease gets to kill in about 10% of cases and reaches 50% when the infection reaches the bloodstream and this is one of the reasons for the importance of medical treatment. High fever, severe headaches, vomiting, stiff neck, tenderness, irritation, weakness and red patches on the skin (which are initially similar to stinging mosquitoes, but rapidly increase in number and size, indicating that there is a large amount of bacteria circulating in the blood) are some of its symptoms.
Meningococcal disease has a sudden onset and rapid evolution, which can lead to death in less than 24 to 48 hours. For confirmation diagnosis In meningitis, a fluid is removed from the spine, called cerebrospinal fluid, to identify whether or not there is a pathogen and, if so, to identify it. In case of viral meningitis, O treatment the same is done for viruses in general; if bacterial meningitis, the use of antibiotics species-specific, administered intravenously, will be essential.
Usually the incidence of the disease is higher in developing countries, especially in areas with large population agglomerates. This finding can be justified by the precariousness of health services and hygiene conditions and by the greater ease of propagation in closed or crowded places. For this last reason, the disease is generally more manifest in winter – when we tend to seek refuge in more closed places to escape the cold.
For meningitis, the vaccines most used are bivalent, tetravalent and monovalent, in children under 2 years of age. However, there is still no vaccine for some serotypes of the disease.
Avoiding the use of cutlery and glasses used by other people or poorly washed and stuffy environments are ways to decrease the chances of acquiring the disease. Keeping the immune system strengthened and correctly following medical guidelines, if you have had contact with someone affected by the disease, are also important measures.

And remember: never use over-the-counter medications.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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