Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Data

Sierra Leone is a country located on the African continent, bordered by the Atlantic, bordered on the north and east by Guinea, on the southeast by Liberia. Sierra Leone has mountains to the north and east; in them are located the areas of diamond extraction, the main economic activity in the country.
Sierra Leone's independence process began in the 1960s, however, English colonists insisted on maintaining their hegemony in the country. Only in 1971, after several coups d'etat, Siaka Stevens, of the Congress of All Peoples (APC), proclaimed Sierra Leone's independence.
The country went through a series of internal conflicts, the 1990s were marked by the war between the government and the Revolutionary United Front (RFU), both the government. how much the revolutionary group obtained weapons through arms dealers, who received diamonds extracted from Serra's soil as payment for their goods. Lioness. The consequences of the conflicts were disastrous for the civilian population, it is estimated that more than 50,000 civilians died during the war in the country.

The peace agreement between the government and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) took place in 2001, there was a presence in the country of United Nations (UN) troops, to ensure the pacification process in the territory.
Sierra Leone's social and economic problems mean that the country has one of the worst Human Development Indices (HDI) in the world.

Coat of arms of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone data:
Territorial extension: 71,740 km².
Location: West Africa.
Capital: Freetown.
Climate: Equatorial rainy.
Government: Presidential Republic.
President: Ahmad Tejan Kabbah.
Administrative division: 4 regions.
Languages: English (official), Creole, Mende, Limba, Temne.
Religion: Islam 45.9%, traditional beliefs 40.4%, Christianity 11.5%, no religion 2%, other 0.3%.
Population: 5,696,471 inhabitants. (Men: 2,774,304; Women: 2,922,167).
Ethnic Composition: Mendes 34.6%, temnes 31.7%, limbras 8.4%, conos 5.2%, bulones 3.7%, peules 3.7%, corancos 3.5%, ialuncas 3.5%, you wanted 2.3%, another 3.4%.
Demographic density: 78 inhabitants/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 4.23%.
Population residing in urban areas: 38.05%.
Population residing in rural areas: 61.95%.
Undernourished population: 47%.
Life expectancy at birth: 42.1 years.
Households with access to clean water: 53%.
Households with access to a health network: 11%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.317 (low).
Currency: Leone.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$1.935 million.
GDP per capita: US$330.
External relations: World Bank, Commonwealth, IMF, WTO, UN, AU.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Countries of the world - geography - Brazil School

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