Children's day in the world

Children's day in the world

The celebration of Children's Day in Brazil was born from the idea of ​​federal deputy Galdino do...

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Energy Planning in Brazil and the imminence of a new crisis in the sector

Power generation is one of the most important State policies, ensuring sovereignty for the countr...

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The Red Tide Phenomenon

The Red Tide phenomenon is caused by the ecological imbalance resulting from the excessive popula...

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Most common water pollutants

If we were to enumerate the types of pollutants that are present in rivers, lakes and seas, we wo...

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2nd month of pregnancy. Characteristics of the second month of pregnancy

Since we have months of 28, 30, and 31 days, some doctors often suggest that calculations for a w...

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Trapezium area. Formula and calculation of trapezium area

Trapezium area. Formula and calculation of trapezium area

The area of ​​a convex polygon is the space filled by its surface. Every time we obtain the calcu...

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Orifice darkroom. What is darkroom?

Orifice darkroom. What is darkroom?

According to the principles of light propagation, we saw that the first of these principles says ...

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Flag Movement. Flag Movement in Brazil in the 1930s

Flag Movement. Flag Movement in Brazil in the 1930s

The 1930s in Brazil was marked not only by the political turmoil the country went through, but al...

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Escherichia coli. Characteristics of the bacteria E. coli

THE Escherichia coli is a rod-shaped bacterium, and facultative anaerobic. Its primary habitat is...

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South American Community of Nations

The Union of South American Nations also known as UNASUR, which some time ago was called the Comm...

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Reverse osmosis in the desalination of sea water. Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis in the desalination of sea water. Reverse osmosis

Osmosis is a Colligative Property conceptualized as the passage of solvent through semi-permeabl...

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Babassu The use of babassu

O babassu is a type of palm found in several areas of Latin America, and, in Brazil, it occurs ma...

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