Most common water pollutants

If we were to enumerate the types of pollutants that are present in rivers, lakes and seas, we would spend imprecise time and it would not be possible to determine them all. We are going to deal here with the most common types of impurities that affect river waters.
Waste from landfills and sewers is largely responsible for the environmental disorder we face today. For those who don't know, landfill is the disposal or landfill of garbage on the ground. Among the toxic chemical compounds present in these places are chlorinated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachlorides), benzene and toluene, the latter being pointed out as carcinogens.
The compounds mentioned above are present in industrial waste, domestic waste and mainly in commercial waste. Let's see which type of waste the main water pollutants come from:
Organic solvents: from oil-based paints, heaters, insecticides and pesticides, and even nail polish removers.
Heavy metals: from car batteries, these are responsible for contamination by lead, mercury and even sulfuric acid.

Radioactive isotopes: are by-products of fire detectors and the smoke itself.
Measures are already being taken by government authorities to combat hazardous materials thrown into landfills, thus preventing contamination of the water supply. Among the viable alternatives are recycling and incineration.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

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