aloha it's a word of Hawaiian language used as a way to salutation or farewell, which means "Hi" ...
read morebreakdown means damage, damage or loss, occurred in equipment, machinery, car, etc.Damage is a no...
read moreNatural resources they are goods that are available to man and which are used for your survival, ...
read moreLeadership is the art of command people, attracting followers and influencing positively mentalit...
read moreSeasonal is an adjective that refers to what is temporary, that is, that it is typical of a certa...
read morethe meaning of Eagle is often associated with courage and strength. She is called the “queen of t...
read moreQuiproquó is the name given to a situation where misunderstanding is generated by mistake.The qui...
read moreO Black conscience day is a date celebrated in Brazil on the day November 20th. This day is inclu...
read moretax is all amount of money that citizens of a country must pay to the state to ensure the functio...
read moreFavela is a set of precariously built low-income housing without infrastructure (sewer, water sup...
read moreastrology is a pseudoscience that studies celestial bodies and the probable relationships they ha...
read moreThe cardinal points are the four main bearings to indicate direction, related to the position of ...
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