Meaning of Union (What it is, Concept and Definition)

union means the association or combination of several elements, similar or different, in order to form a set.

union is the act or effect of uniting two or more distinct parts. A union can happen in different ways, such as linking or combining efforts and thoughts for a common good, for example.

Joining, linking and connecting are some of the synonyms of the word union, and that help us to understand the broad meaning of this term.

For example, the union is in the link that exists between the organs of the human body, which form a large and competent physical structure; through the union of two people, marriage is configured; between different states (forming a country) or different countries (forming an economic bloc) and so on.

Union can also be an association of several unions formed by the grouping of several class associations. Example: labor union, union union, etc.

In mathematics, according to Set Theory, the union is the meeting of two most different sets, where the elements present in the union must be the combination of all the objects that are in the sets United.

Federal Union

Union can also mean the meeting of all Brazilian states that make up the Federative Republic of Brazil. In this case, the word Union must always be used with the first letter in capital letters, as it represents a synonym for Nation.

stable union

This type of relationship is configured when two individuals prove that coexist in a long-lasting and established relationship..

Typically, a relationship is considered a common-law marriage after the second consecutive year of living with the partner. However, in the New Brazilian Civil Code, there is no minimum period that determines this condition.

In order to have a stable union, it is not mandatory that the couple live in the same household, but that there are other factors that prove the coexistence, such as the existence of children, for example.

Learn more about the meaning of stable union.

Official Diary of the Union

Also known as D.O.U, this is the official communication vehicle of the National Press, used to inform and make public any matter of federal context.

Approval of laws, launching of notices for public tenders and other topics that belong to the national scope are made available in the Diário da União.

Under the subordination of the Presidency of the Republic, this is a daily communication model and is available to all Brazilian states, either in print or on the internet.

European Union

The European Union (U.E) is a economic bloc formed by 28 member states, located predominantly on the European continent.

The countries that belong to the European Union are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania and Sweden.

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