Meaning of Aloha (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

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aloha it's a word of Hawaiian language used as a way to salutation or farewell, which means "Hi" or "Goodbye".

Originally the word was used exclusively as a demonstration of affection, peace, compassion, and compassion. Later, around the 19th century, it began to be used to greet or say goodbye to someone. The word aloha is imbued with some characteristics of the Hawaiian people, such as the friendship, hospitality and cordiality.

Aloha Spirit

aloha spirit, or in Portuguese, Espírito aloha, it's much more than a word, it's a Lifestyle and a technique that can be applied to any life. This technique is characterized by a rule: bless everything and everyone that represents what an individual wants.

O aloha spirit indicates that the word aloha it has a much deeper meaning than simply "love", "hello" or "bye". It is a constant mindset of acceptance, a path that makes it possible to solve any problem and reach any goal.

The aloha spirit is filled with a positive energy that is related to a Universal Power known as Mana. Using this resource allows you to achieve true happiness, health and prosperity.

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