breakdown means damage, damage or loss, occurred in equipment, machinery, car, etc.
Damage is a noun that designates damage that has suffered some material good.
An example of damage is a damage suffered by a ship or merchandise, between the journey from the port and the arrival at its destination.
In maritime law, damage is any unforeseen expense made due to a platform suffered on a ship or its cargo, from exit to entry in the port for which it is intended, can also be damage brought to a ship or its charge. It is a term widely used in the navy.
Etymologically, the term "breakdown" originated from the Arabic hawariya, which means "damage", "damage" or "damaged".
Breakdown Clause
It is a clause that appears in a vehicle insurance, where all damages observed in the vehicle at the time of contracting or renewal of the insurance are noted.
They are qualified in the inspection and excluded from insurance coverage in the event of an accident or partial loss.
Learn more about the meaning of sinister.
If the damage is repaired during the term of the insurance, the vehicle must be submitted to a new inspection to exclude the Breakdown Clause.
Synonyms of breakdown
- Damage
- disarrangement
- Damage
- Failure
- Wound
- Injury
- Imperfection
- Lesion
- Deterioration