Meaning of Leadership (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Leadership is the art of command people, attracting followers and influencing positively mentalities and behaviors.

Leadership can come naturally, when a person excels in the role of a leader, without necessarily having a leadership role. It's a kind of informal leadership. When a leader is elected by an organization and assumes a position of authority, he exercises formal leadership.

A leader is a person who directs or brings together a group, and may be inserted in the context of industry, the army, etc. There are several types of leader, which change depending on the characteristics of the group (combat unit, work team, group of teenagers).

The leader has the role of uniting the elements of the group, so that together they can achieve the group's goals. Leadership is related to motivation, because an effective leader knows how to motivate elements of his group or team.

New approaches on the subject argue that leadership is a behavior that can be exercised and improved. A leader's skills involve charisma, patience, respect, discipline and, above all, the ability to influence subordinates.

The word leadership comes from the English term leader, which means leader. In English, leadership is translated to leadership. Ex: He is a good boss because he has good leadership skills. / He's a good boss because he has good leadership skills.

Types of leadership

The three classic styles of leadership that define the relationship between a leader and his followers are: Autocratic, Democratic, and Liberal (or laissez-faire).

Autocratic leadership: It is a type of authoritarian leadership, in which the leader imposes his ideas and decisions on the group. The leader does not listen to the group's opinion.

Democratic leadership: The leader encourages group participation and guides tasks. It is a type of participatory leadership, in which decisions are taken after debate and together.

liberal leadership: There is freedom and complete trust in the group. Decisions are delegated and the leader's participation is limited.

Leadership in Organizations

In an organization, leadership is an issue of fundamental importance, as it is related to success or failure, with achieving or not achieving the defined objectives. Especially in a business or organization context, it is important to know how to distinguish between leader and boss.

A boss has the authority to command and demand obedience from group members because he often considers himself superior to them. A good leader points the way to success, exercising discipline, patience, commitment, respect and humility.

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