Meaning of Natural Resources (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Natural resources they are goods that are available to man and which are used for your survival, well-being and comfort.

Natural resources are goods that are extracted from nature directly or indirectly, and are transformed for use in human life.

The most important natural resources on our planet are water and air, because while it is possible to live without oil, coal or electricity, it is impossible to live without air and water. It is for this reason that air and water pollution is one of the greatest threats to human beings. If these resources are harmed, the quality of life drops significantly.

The terrestrial soil can also be considered a natural resource, as it is possible to find other mineral resources in it, in addition to cultivating food through the agriculture.

Living beings themselves are also resources provided by nature.

Renewable and non-renewable natural resources

Renewable natural resources, as the name implies, are resources that can be renewed, that is, they do not run out. As an example of this, we have the

wind energy, obtained through the wind. There is also solar energy, which can be accumulated using special equipment such as solar panels.

Some very important resources such as water, soil and forests (they provide wood and other things) are described as potentially renewable, because they depend a lot on the performance of Man in relation to these resources. For this reason, it is essential to take care of these features.

On the other hand, there are natural resources not renovable, whose exploration and use will one day come to an end, because they are limited resources. Examples of these resources are minerals such as coal, iron, oil, shale, natural gas, gold, aluminum, etc.

Brazil's natural resources

Brazil is a country very rich in natural resources. The soil, for example, makes it possible to cultivate various agricultural products (such as coffee, corn, açaí, etc.) for internal consumption and export, which is a added value for the Brazilian economy.

Another relevant natural resource in Brazil are forests, valuable resources that must be protected against the deforestation that has affected this resource in recent years.

THE Water it is one of Brazil's main natural resources, having one of the largest freshwater reserves in the world.

the exploration of mineral resources it is an activity with great potential, which puts Brazil on a par with powers such as Russia, China, the United States, Canada and Australia. Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest extraction of the metal niobium and ferroniobium, and provides more than 75% of its world production.

Conservation of natural resources

The depletion of some natural resources can be a big problem and therefore their conservation is of high importance.

Non-renewable natural resources such as oil are used as a source of energy, for the operation of combustion engines in cars, for example. Since one day the oil will run out, it is important to use an alternative energy source. In the case of the automobile industry, there are already cars that use natural gas and electricity as fuel.

See what are the types of natural resources.

See too: asbestos

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