Login meaningLogin is an English term used in the context of computing, a neologism that means ha...
read moreDefinition of Islamic StateIslamic State is a terrorist group formed by ultra-conservative Muslim...
read moreMeaning of EvidenceEvidence means something that is clear, highlighted, visible to everyone. Evid...
read moreDefinition of EffectiveEffective is an adjective that qualifies what has an effect, which is real...
read moreDefinition of Blue FlowerBlue flower means dream, utopia, mystery and infinity. It became a symbo...
read moreDefinition of AsceticismAsceticism is a philosophical doctrine that advocates abstaining from phy...
read moreDefinition of OppositionOpposition means impediment, obstacle. It is the act of opposing or oppos...
read moremeaning of follyFoolishness is the quality or particularity of someone who behaves stupidly, fool...
read moreMeaning of OppositeOpposite is a masculine adjective that refers to what is situated opposite, op...
read moreDefinition of RefundRestitution has the meaning of return. The word is used to refer to the act o...
read moremeaning of zenZen is a Japanese name from the Chan tradition that originated in China and joins i...
read moreDefinition of RobberyThieving is the masculine noun that indicates the act of armed robbery. It c...
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