Popular Meanings (129)

Meaning of Evidence

Evidence means something that is clear, highlighted, visible to everyone. Evidence is something in character of what is evident, like evidence of proof, for example. Being in evidence means...

Definition of Miscegenation

Miscegenation is the process generated from the mixture between different ethnic groups. Mixed human beings have physical characteristics typical of various "races". The individual who is born from...

Meaning of musical notes

Musical notes are graphic and audible signs that have been created to represent variations in the pitch of musical sound; that is, organize the musical language and facilitate the composition of melodies. They exist...

What is the Scapula in the Human Body

Scapula, scapula or shoulder blade is a triangle-shaped bone located at the top of the skin. chest, or shoulder, which together with the collarbone forms the shoulder girdle, allowing the union of each...

Meaning of Ex tunc and ex nunc

Ex tunc and ex nunc are Latin expressions that mean, respectively, “since the beginning” and “since now”, according to the literal translation into Portuguese. These terms are quite common in...

Definition of Pansy Flower

The Pansy flower means romantic and lasting love. The combinations of three colors that appear in the delicate flowers are the reason for also being called "Trinity grass", a reference to...

Evolution meaning

Evolution is the feminine noun that indicates the action or effect of evolving. An evolution refers to the improvement, growth or development of an idea, system, custom or individual...

meaning of aff

Aff is a word used to express discontent, indignation, disappointment, dissatisfaction. The word aff is not found in the dictionary, it is simply a transcription that imitates the sound that...

meaning of Stalinism

Stalinism was a totalitarian government regime led by Josef Stalin, leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), between 1924 and 1953. Stalin, who was General Secretary of the Party...

Definition of Population

Population is the set of all inhabitants of a given place. It can also be related to individuals of the same species that coexist in the same place or region. Geography and Sociology...

Definition of Interlocutor

Interlocutor is someone who participates in a dialogue, interacting directly with other people through different types of communication. In short, the interlocutor is any individual who talks to another or who...

meaning of imminent

Imminent means something that is about to happen, that is in the process of immediate realization. Imminent is an adjective that qualifies any situation that is about to happen in a short time. When...

Definition of Degenerative Disease

A degenerative disease is one that gradually compromises vital functions, such as Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes. Degenerative diseases act in an evolutionary way, that is, they aggravate the...

meaning of sad

Sad is an adjective in English which in Portuguese means sad. It can also be an acronym meaning Secretary of State for Administration. The word sad is meant to describe a feeling of sadness and...

Definition of Urea

Urea is a substance produced in the liver from ammonia, resulting from the metabolism of proteins, which is eliminated through the urine. Chemically it is classified as an amide, which is why it is considered...

Latest Meanings (69)

Definition of equatorial climateThe equatorial climate occurs in places close to the equator and ...

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Latest Meanings (70)

Definition of Sustainable CitiesSustainable cities are cities that implement sustainable public p...

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Latest Meanings (71)

Black PlagueThe Black Death is a disease transmitted by bacteria. It was a pandemic in part of Eu...

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