Popular Meanings (146)

Meaning of Opposite

Opposite is a masculine adjective that refers to what is situated opposite, opposite, opposite, in the opposite direction. Opposite can also indicate something that is contrary, inverse, is the antonym of...

Definition of Rustic

Rustic means rude, simple, coarse. It is an adjective that refers to everything that is poorly finished, poorly done, coarse, that has not been cut or polished. Rustico refers to what is country, rural, what...

Definition of Voluptuous

Voluptuosa is an adjective originating from the Latin voluptuosu, and it means something or someone in which there is pleasure or pleasure. It is synonymous with delightful, sensual, lustful. Voluptuous can also classify a person...

Definition of Otome

Otome is an expression of Japanese origin that literally means "maid" or "virgin girl", "delicate", "lady" (an educated and well-behaved girl). In some cases, depending on the context, the word otome...

Definition of Graduation

The graduation, also known as graduation, is a traditional academic ceremony that is mandatory for the granting of a bachelor's or licentiate's degree to higher education students who...

Definition of Peculiarity

Peculiarity is the state or quality of what is peculiar, that is, special, singular and particular. The characteristics that are unique to a person, for example, can be considered their own...

Definition of Mitosis

Mitosis, also known as mitosis and karyomytosis, is a biology-related concept that represents the process of indirect cell division by the differentiation of chromosomes and their distribution...

Meaning of Menu

Menu is a type of record that highlights the essential points about a given subject, usually in the form of a list. The menu is like a summary or synopsis of a particular topic or area. When it comes to...

meaning of frenzied

Frenzied is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines an individual who is in an extreme state of exaltation, who is restless or very agitated. The word "frantic" came from the Latin...

meaning of alliance

Alliance is the act or effect of allying. It's a pact, an adjustment, an agreement. It is the harmonious union of things different from each other. Grammatically it is a feminine noun, originating from the French alliance...

Definition of GPRS

GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Services, or General Packet Radio Services. GPRS is a technology that aims to increase data transfer rates between cell phones, facilitating...

meaning of omnipresent

Omnipresent is a masculine and feminine adjective that means ubiquitous and characterizes something or someone who is present everywhere at the same time. Regarding etymology, the omnipresent word is...

Meaning of Compliant

Complacent is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone endowed with complacency, that is, who is benevolent, understanding or kind. When you say that...

Definition of Imbroglio

Imbroglio is a masculine noun from the Italian imbroglio which means confusion, messed up, messed up. This word is used in a pejorative sense, indicating a complex situation or...

Meaning of ROI

ROI stands for Return on Investment, which in Portuguese means “Return on Investment”. ROI is the relationship between the money gained or lost through an investment, and the amount...

Latest Meanings (65)

meaning of companyA company is an organization that carries out economic activities for commercia...

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Popular Meanings (65)

Definition of SamaritanSamaritan is a word referring to the natural people or individual of the a...

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Latest Meanings (67)

DiffusionIn biology, diffusion is the passive transport of solutes from molecules (such as oxygen...

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