Popular Meanings (152)

meaning of folly

Foolishness is the quality or particularity of someone who behaves stupidly, foolishly or stupidly. The stupidity, also known as stupidity, is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and...

Definition of Pop-up

Pop-up is a window that opens in your internet browser when accessing a web page or some redirect link. Typically, this new window displays site highlight information or, in the...

Definition of Spectrum

Spectrum is the name given to the vision of an image considered ghostly, of the incorporeal figure of someone who is not alive, that is, a ghost. From its figurative sense, spectrum can still...

meaning of evade

Deceiving is the act of making someone believe in something that does not correspond to reality, feeding someone's hopes with unsubstantiated, unfounded, unrealistic promises. The word elude can be...

Definition of In verbis

In verbis is a Latin expression used in the legal context meaning "in these terms" or "in these words". Usually this expression is used to make a textual transcription of an article from...

5 Characteristics of an Introverted Person

A person considered to be introverted is the one who tends to have the most need to pay attention to their inner world. In general, he is someone who tends to give a lot of importance to his feelings and his...

Meaning of Equalize

To equalize means to standardize, to make equal. It is also a term used in electronics. Equalizing the sound is a technique used to change some parameters that will increase or decrease the intensity...

meaning of torpor

Torpor is a masculine noun from the Latin torpore that represents an altered state of consciousness that can mean numbness, laziness, laziness or indolence. Described as a...

Definition of LED

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, which means “light emitting diode”. It consists of a light conduction technology, using electrical energy. The LED has the function of emitting light in places and...

Definition of Misconduct

Improperty means dishonesty, bad temper, bad character, lack of probity, that is, lack of honesty, integrity, honesty. It also means meanness, wickedness, atrocity. Impropriety is a...

Definition of Physical Activity

Physical activity consists of any type of bodily movement that results in energy expenditure above what is considered standard when the body is at rest. Physical activities are important for...

Definition of razed

Arrasou is the perfect past tense of the verb to raze in the third person singular. This word can mean devastated, ruined and destroyed (made shallow). In the figurative sense, razed can mean to...

meaning of gaia

In Greek mythology, Gaia is the name of the Earth goddess, companion of Uranus (Sky) and mother of the Titans (giants). Gaia is the personification of planet Earth, represented as a gigantic and powerful woman...

Definition of self service

Self service is an expression in English that means “own service” or “self-service”, in the free translation into Portuguese. Self service is a service system, adopted...

Meaning of Petition

Petition is the act of asking for something formally, by signing a written application. The petitions are, as a rule, directed to a superior institution, directly responsible or...

Popular Meanings (217)

Definition of PoltergeistPoltergeist is considered a supernatural phenomenon, characterized by ph...

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Popular Meanings (218)

Characteristics of ExpressionismExpressionism was an artistic movement through which authors expr...

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Popular Meanings (216)

Definition of ShareholderShareholder is a very common English word in the business context, which...

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