Blue flower means dream, utopia, mystery and infinity. It became a symbol of romantic poetry when the German poet of the pseudonym Novalis wrote in the novel entitled " Heinrich von Ofterdingen " a...
Neurons are the cells that make up the nervous system, responsible for conducting, receiving and transmit nerve impulses through the body, making it respond to stimuli from the through, through...
Anatomy is the microscopic or macroscopic study of the physical structure of organic beings, considering the shape and arrangement of their organs. Anatomy is one of the areas that are studied in...
Asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a natural mineral fiber, with a silky texture, which is extracted from rocks whose chemical composition consists of hydrated silicates of iron and magnesium, which...
White elephant is an expression used to classify something that is valuable or that cost a lot of money, but that has no practical use or importance. Popularly, the expression white elephant is...
Research is a set of actions aimed at discovering new knowledge in a given area. In academia, research is one of the pillars of university activity, in which researchers...
Social sciences are a broad field of studies aimed at understanding the way societies function, develop and organize. In the social sciences, all aspects are studied...
Lust means sensuality, libidination, lust. It is a characteristic of someone who has shamelessness, who has libertine, libidinous ways, who has a propensity for sensuality. Lewdness is a noun...
Empower is a verb that refers to the act of giving or granting power to oneself or others. From its figurative sense, empowering represents the action of attributing domain or power over...
Stalkear is a word derived from the English stalker, which means “persecutor”. In this case, the Portuguese neologism means “act of persecuting”. The verb “stalkear” was created and disseminated...
Data venia is a Latin expression meaning "given the license" or "given the permission". It is a polite and polite way of starting a sentence of disagreement about what the interlocutor said or wrote...
Temporal is an adjective in Portuguese, used in the sense of "being transitory" or "something that passes with time". It is considered the opposite of timeless. Etymologically, the word temporal if...
Timeless is an adjective used to qualify something or someone who is not affected by the passage of time, that is, who is part of any time or time. One of the synonyms for timeless is timeless. With...
Coffee break is an expression in English that means "coffee break", which is often a break in the middle of a meeting where people have a snack and socialize. It's the name given to a break...
Deferred is the past participle of the verb defer, whose meaning is to give assent to a request for something. Deferring is the act of approving or granting an application or application. O...