Steam distillation

Steam distillation

the method of separation of mixtures called steam distillation it is the way in which so-called e...

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Third Punic War (150 – 146 a. Ç.)

After beating the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War, the Romans seemed to have a clear path s...

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Relationship between Sides and Angles of a Triangle

Relationship between Sides and Angles of a Triangle

In every polygon, the number of sides equals the number of angles. In the triangle, there is a re...

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Encceja 2017 registration ends at 23:59 this Friday (18th).

Applications for the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults...

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Replacement Reactions in Organic Halides

Replacement Reactions in Organic Halides

A halide is an organic compound that has at least one halogen atom. – that is, chemical elements ...

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Sectors of the economy. Characteristics of economic sectors

Sectors of the economy. Characteristics of economic sectors

Every country has an economically active population (PEA) and an economically inactive population...

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And there is light! the electricity route

How does energy reach your home? Why is she able to light a lamp? These are questions that you wi...

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Biotic characterization as a function of geological scale

Throughout the physical and chemical transformations of marine and terrestrial environments, a va...

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Fundamental tips on organic reactions

Fundamental tips on organic reactions

THE Organic chemistry is a part of Chemistry that each year has been gaining prominence in entran...

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Millennium Goals. The 8 Millennium Goals

The Millennium Declaration, prepared by the United Nations (UN), emerged after the meeting of 189...

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Urea synthesis. How is the synthesis of urea?

Urea synthesis. How is the synthesis of urea?

The synthesis of urea represented a milestone in the history of Organic Chemistry, as it was prev...

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What are amines?

What are amines?

Amines are nitrogenous organic compounds that are derived from the substance ammonia (NH3) by rep...

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