Encceja 2017 registration ends at 23:59 this Friday (18th).

Applications for the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) 2017 close at 23:59 this Friday, August 18th. Registration is online and completely free.

Register for Encceja 2017

Find out about Encceja

For elementary education, Encceja receives applications from people aged 15 or over who have not completed their studies. In high school, participation is aimed at those aged 18 or over. Remember that the participant must have the minimum age on the day of application of the test and not at the time of registration.

Encceja measures the knowledge of students who somehow did not complete their studies within the expected age for each level: elementary or high school, facilitating their education through the test administered by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).


With the change of schedule by Inep, Encceja Nacional will be held on October 22, in both shifts.

Elementary level participants will have 30 questions about Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the period of morning, and another 30 questions in the afternoon about Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Math.

Know what to study to obtain the Encceja certificate

The high school participants will have 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and their Technologies in the morning and 30 on Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies during the evening.

Writing is mandatory for elementary school and also for high school. Textual production will be carried out exclusively in the afternoon.

Unlike other exams, at Encceja the participant cannot take the question book at the end of the exam.


Encceja participants need to achieve an average of 5 in the essay, with a textual production score from 0 to 10. In objective tests, the maximum grade is 200 and the student must obtain 100 for certification.

Whoever achieves the minimum score necessary for certification must contact the Departments of Education and partner institutions to request the certificate of completion. If the student obtains the grade only in some tests, he must look for the same places and ask for the declaration of proficiency so that these subjects are canceled in the next Encceja.

Between 2009 and 2016, the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) replaced the National Encceja for secondary education. As Inep considered that Enem started to be focused on entry into universities and not on the evaluation of knowledge of those who intend to finish their studies, Encceja has once again become the method of certifying young people with over 18 years old.

deprived of liberty

O Notice of the National Encceja for the Deprived of Liberty is now available for consultation. The pedagogical responsibles of the participants must register them between the 28th of August and the 8th of September.

The tests will be applied in prison and socio-educational units and the content will be the same as the other participants.

Study material

Inep made available the download of the study notebooks for Encceja. O material is free and can be accessed at this link. The files are separated by area and there is also content for teachers.

More information at Brasil Escola article about Encceja and in the Exam website.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/acabam-nesta-sexta-feira-18-as-inscricoes-encceja-2017/3123522.html

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