Temperature and Speed ​​of Reactions. Speed ​​of Reactions

Temperature and Speed ​​of Reactions. Speed ​​of Reactions

The higher the temperature, the greater the speed of a reaction.This can be easily seen in many s...

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Notre-Dame Cathedral: history, construction and curiosities

Notre-Dame Cathedral: history, construction and curiosities

THE Notre Dame cathedral is one of the most famous cathedrals in the France. It is located on Ilê...

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When should the child not go to school?

It is very common for parents to get confused when it comes to letting their child skip school. T...

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Current migrations in Brazil. Current internal migrations in Brazil

At internal migrations they are the migratory flows carried out within the national territory and...

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Referential, Movement and Rest

Referential, Movement and Rest

Imagine that you are sitting at a bus stop and soon notice that transport is approaching. As the ...

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Guatemala. Guatemala Data

Guatemala. Guatemala Data

Located in Central America, Guatemala borders Mexico on the west and north, Belize and on the eas...

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Embryonic attachments: what they are, functions

Embryonic attachments: what they are, functions

You embryonic attachments, as the name suggests, they are structures linked to the body of the em...

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Ionic substances of the group: chloride, carbonate, nitrate and sulfate

Ionic substances of the group: chloride, carbonate, nitrate and sulfate

At ionic substances are those that have at least one ionic bond, that is, when there is definitiv...

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What color is the water?

What color is the water?

Water is a coloring substance slightly bluish. Unlike what we've learned, water is not colorless....

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In other languages: words of Portuguese origin

PORTUGUESE LANGUAGELast flower of Lazio, uncultivated and beautiful,You are, at the same time, sp...

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Constipation or constipation

constipation or trapped bowel are popular names that designate the constipation, a problem that a...

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Function Types. Study of Function Types

Function Types. Study of Function Types

Functions have some properties that characterize them f: A→B.Overjet functionInjector functionBi...

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