When should the child not go to school?

It is very common for parents to get confused when it comes to letting their child skip school. The loss of tasks and content is really a serious issue, however, some illnesses can worsen if the child is not at rest, or put other people at risk of Contamination.
When should children rest?

To know whether a child with discomfort should go to school or not, it is important to assess the clinical picture and analyze whether the symptoms really need rest.

One of the signs that deserves attention is fever, which serves as a warning that the body is not doing well and needs attention. Fever is linked to different conditions, from rapid course infections to serious problems such as neoplasms. Therefore, attention and care is essential.

When a child has a fever, it is ideal to keep them hydrated and at rest until the correct diagnosis is made. It is essential to seek medical help in cases of high fever and when it does not stop quickly.

In addition to fever, other signs and symptoms should be checked before sending the child to school. Vomiting and diarrhea, for example, can indicate infectious diseases, in addition to causing great discomfort to the patient. In this case, the best option is to keep the child at rest.

Skin blemishes are also signs that deserve attention, as they can indicate a allergy or even a more serious illness, such as dengue Or the zika. In the absence of a diagnosis, it is often better to stay at home.
What childhood illnesses require time away from school?

All children with communicable diseases must not attend school. This is because the patient's attendance in class can cause contamination from other individuals. Therefore, the ideal is to take care of the child at home to avoid exposure to other children.

Among the main childhood illnesses that require absence from school, the following stand out:

  • Mumps: is a disease that affects the salivary glands near the ears, triggering pain when chewing and swallowing, headaches, fever and muscle pain. It can be transmitted through contact with secretions and, therefore, the individual must avoid places with a large number of people.

  • Chickenpox or chickenpox:This disease is well known, mainly because it leaves the skin full of red spots that cause itching. The disease can be transmitted by saliva released into the air by coughing or sneezing, or by contact with the secretion of bubbles.

  • Rubella: it causes reddened patches on the skin and can trigger fever, headaches, malaise and sore throat. Like the other diseases mentioned, it can be transmitted by drops of saliva released into the air, thus requiring isolation. The disease can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy.

  • Conjunctivitis:causes tearing, blurred vision, eyelid swelling, and red eye. The contagion, if the disease is triggered by a virus or bacteria, occurs through direct contact with the patient and, therefore, the ideal is that this person does not frequent closed environments, such as schools. In allergic conjunctivitis, there is no need to leave school.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/quando-crianca-nao-deve-ir-escola.htm

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