Emigrate or immigrate?

When you talk about someone leaving or entering a country, does the question of “emigrated or imm...

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What is silting?

What is silting?

O siltation it is the accumulation of sediments (sand, earth, rocks), garbage and other materials...

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Labyrinthitis. Causes, treatment and prevention of labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis. Causes, treatment and prevention of labyrinthitis

The ear, commonly called the ear, is the organ responsible for hearing and also for the balance o...

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Brasil Escola now has free video classes and YouTube channel

Brasil Escola users will be able to count on one more help for their studies. This Monday, Octobe...

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What is latifundium?

What is latifundium?

latifundium corresponds to a extensive private agricultural property, generally not economically ...

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Regional Europe. regional Europe: regionalization of Europe

The European continent does not have homogeneous characteristics, as disparities are present in v...

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The bisectors of the quadrants

The bisectors of the quadrants

The Cartesian plane is formed by two perpendicular axes that intersect at the origin of the coord...

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Simple arrangement: what is it, examples, exercises

Simple arrangement: what is it, examples, exercises

O Thesimple arrangement is a type of grouping studied in combinatorial analysis. We know how to a...

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Queen Victoria. History of Queen Victoria

On May 24, 1819, Alexandrina Vitória Regina was born, daughter of the Duke of Kent and the former...

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Injector function: what is it, characteristics, examples

Injector function: what is it, characteristics, examples

THE injection function, also known as the injective function, is a particular case of function. F...

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Graphene – a technological revolution. Graphene composition

Graphene – a technological revolution. Graphene composition

O graphene is a two-dimensional crystal formed by bonds between carbon atoms, with hexagons that ...

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Flávio Aécio or Aetius de Moésia

A Roman general of the late period of the Western Empire born in Dorostolus, Moesia, who led the ...

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