The ear, commonly called the ear, is the organ responsible for hearing and also for the balance of our body. It is divided into three parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. In the inner ear we find the saccule, O utricle and the semicircular canals that form the vestibular apparatus, well known as maze.
O saccule it's the utricle are two bags filled with a gelatinous liquid containing ciliated sensory cells and also otoliths (small grains of calcium carbonate), which move as the body moves, stimulating sensory cells that send information to the brain, where it will be interpreted. Thus, we can say that the maze it is the structure responsible for informing our brain about the direction of head and body movements; and the labyrinthitis it is nothing more than the term used by many to designate an inflammation or an infection in the labyrinth.
In the figure we can see the saccule, utricle and semicircular canals that make up the labyrinth
THE labyrinthitis it can have numerous causes, but as the otolaryngologist from São Paulo, Ricardo Testa, says, "Na In most cases, labyrinthitis is related to diabetes, vascular problems, hormonal disorders and tumors". Other factors that can cause the appearance of labyrinthitis are:
- Aging;
- Head and neck injuries;
- Infections caused by bacteria or viruses;
- Substances such as nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, contraceptives, caffeine, sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc.;
- Eating errors;
- Allergies;
- Anemias;
- Central nervous system diseases;
- Psychiatric disorders.
the main labyrinthitis symptoms they are dizziness, light-headedness, feeling light-headed, feeling of falling, instability, feeling floating, tinnitus, nausea, and vomiting.
It is important to remember that, when in crisis, the person should not lie down, but remain seated, looking at a fixed point on the wall. As soon as the dizziness improves, a doctor should be seen. It is also important to emphasize that labyrinthitis does not cause fainting.
So that you can find out what is causing the labyrinthitis an otoneurological assessment is performed, in which the physician will take into account the patient's history, physical examinations, and auditory and body balance tests. Depending on the severity of the case, the doctor may order tests such as CT and MRI.
O labyrinthitis treatment is made from anti-vertigo drugs, exercises for balance rehabilitation and diet to correct eating errors that aggravate vertigo and other symptoms of labyrinthitis. When not treated, the labyrinthitis it can progress to more severe conditions, such as Ménière's Syndrome, requiring surgery.
the best way to prevent labyrinthitis it is avoiding the consumption of caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol, not fasting for a long time, drinking a lot of water during the day and avoiding industrialized juices.
By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology