List of some synthetic absolute superlatives

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When it comes to the gender of adjectives, they show some divergence when compared to nouns.
Taking the examples below as a starting point, as soon as we will understand this difference:
boy - little boy - big boy
We notice the highlighted noun (boy), along with your augmentative and diminutive.
Keeping to the question of the degree of the adjective, we would have:
The boy is as smart as his brothercomparison of equality
The boy is the smartest of the brothers
relative superlative of superiority
the boy is very smartanalytic absolute superlative
the boy is very smartsynthetic absolute superlative
Due to these particularities mentioned above, it is of fundamental importance to expand our knowledge regarding the correct way to use the synthetic absolute superlative of some adjectives.
Here is a relationship with them:

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Adjectives Synthetic absolute superlative
Agile agile or agile
Bitter very loving
Rough Rough
Friend best friend
Pleasant very pleasant
Good very good or great
Beneficial most beneficial
benevolent most benevolent
Cruel very cruel
Able very capable
Difficult very difficult
Docile sweetheart
Candy sweetest or sweetest
Effective very effective
Easy very easy
Faithful most faithful
 Fierce  most ferocious
 Fragile  fragile
 General  Generalissimo
 Great  Maximum
 Humble  humble
 Incredible  amazingly
 Young  very young
 Free  libertine
 Lean  very thin or thin
 meek  Mansuetissimo
 Miserable  most miserable
 Black  very black or very low
 Remarkable  Most Remarkable
 Noble  most noble
 Poor  very poor or very poor
 Little  Minimum
 Respectable  very respectable
 Wise  all-knowing
 Sacred  most holy
 Kind  very nice
 Terrible  terrifyingly terrible
 Fast  super fast
 Greedy  greedy

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -
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