Another way to diformare il passive

Another way to diformare il passive

Meaning:/ Meaning:* “Si dice di transitive when it indicates un’azione che il soggetto grammatica...

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King Louis II of Bavaria the Germanicus

Carolingian monarch of Bavaria (817-843), of Saxony and Germania (843-876), the three regions of ...

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What is a leukocyte?

What is a leukocyte?

leukocytes are blood cells known to many people as white blood cells. These cells can be classif...

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Mathematical Equations in Temperature Conversion

Mathematical Equations in Temperature Conversion

In Brazil, the temperature unit we use is the degree Celsius (ºC), which is different from Englis...

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Testuale type: argomentative. Textual type: argumentative

Testuale type: argomentative. Textual type: argumentative

When you get out, see the argomentative text of the different types of text (narrative, descritiv...

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Geopolitics of the Koreas. Korea's geopolitical disputes

Geopolitics of the Koreas. Korea's geopolitical disputes

The division of Korea between south and north is by far the most expressive legacy of the Cold Wa...

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Roger Charles Louis Guillemin

French physiologist born in Dijon, naturalized American (1965), researcher of peptide hormones. M...

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The relationship between philosophy and Christianity for Justin the Martyr

Apologist FathersPhilosophy meets Christianity when Christians take a stand in relation to it. In...

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G-8. G-8 countries

The acronym G-8 corresponds to the group of the 8 richest and most influential countries in the w...

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1st Degree Function Change Rate

1st Degree Function Change Rate

In a 1st degree function we have that the rate of change is given by the coefficient a. We have t...

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Le differenze tra i verbi VENIRE E ANDARE

*Significati: / Meanings:Venire:“Avere origine da un luogo o de qualcosa: 'Venire da una familia ...

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Verbi Pronominali: gli speciali

Meaning: / Meaning: * "Il verb che si coniuga accompagnato of a particella pronominale without a ...

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