Mathematical Equations in Temperature Conversion

In Brazil, the temperature unit we use is the degree Celsius (ºC), which is different from English countries. In these countries, the usual unit is the Fahrenheit (ºF).
Through observation and the relationship between the two temperatures, it was possible to establish a general formula capable of transforming Celsius into Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit into Celsius. Note some temperature relationships:
0°C = 32°F 100°C = 212°F –20°C = –4°F
Mathematical analyzes involving comparative situations between temperatures in degrees Celsius and temperatures in Fahrenheit originated an algebraic expression in order to convert temperatures. Watch:

Example 1
In Rio de Janeiro a temperature of 36 ºC was recorded. What would be the corresponding temperature in °F?

The temperature in Fahrenheit corresponding to 36°C is 96.8°F.
Example 2
What is the temperature in degrees Celsius corresponding to 70°F?

There is another way to perform the conversion. Watch:
Celsius → Fahrenheit

We multiply the temperature in °C by 1.8 and add 32 to the result.

Example 3
Convert the temperature from 15 ºC to ºF.
15 x 1.8 = 27 + 32 = 59 °F
Fahrenheit → Celsius

We subtract the temperature in °F by 32 and divide the result by 1.8.
Example 4
Convert the temperature from 40ºF to ºC.
40 - 32 = 8: 1.8 = 4.4 °C

by Mark Noah
Graduated in Mathematics
Brazil School Team

Equations - Math - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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