Another way to diformare il passive

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Meaning:/ Meaning:* “Si dice di transitive when it indicates un’azione che il soggetto grammaticale non compie ma subisce (p.e. Paolo is stimato da tutti.)”. / Refers to a transitive verb when it indicates an action that the grammatical subject does not do but suffers (eg: Paolo is liked by everyone.).

*Definition withdrawn: Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

Attention! / Heads up!

If you have seen a po’ di più sulla passive form, it is possible to access anche the text: “The passive form: regola generale al passato”. / If you want to understand a little more about the passive form, you can also access the text: "La form passive: regola generale al passato ”.

All’italian, come if you leave, the passive form is cotituta dalle form dell'ausiliare that follows from the passing participle of the verb of the coniugare. Però, ciò che vedrai al testo sarà l'uso dei verbi venire e walk alla formazione del passive. / In Italian, as is well known, the passive form is constituted by the auxiliary forms ‘essere’ followed by the past participle of the verb to be conjugated. However, what you will see in the text will be the use of the verbs ’venire’ and ‘andare’ in passive formation.

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La passive form col verb andare / The passive form with the verb ‘andare’

The verb andare if used in the passive form col sense: must essere; / The verb ‘andare’ is used in the passive form with meaning: must be;

If you use loosening nei tempi semplici; /Used only in simple tenses;

Quest’use if you see molto al linguaggio i documenti ufficiali, avvisi pubblici ecc. / This usage is seen a lot in the language of official documents, public notices, etc.

Osserva degli esempi: / Note some examples:

1) E-mail question go out oggi. / This email must be sent today.

2) L’apartment go venduct fra pochi minuti. / The apartment should be sold in a few minutes.

3) La machina sarà purchaseta from Paolo. / The car must be purchased by Paolo.

4) Book sarà spedito al Brasile domani. / The book should be sent to Brazil tomorrow.

5) The pie go fatta from Carlo. / The cake must be made by Carlo.

La passive form col verb venire / The passive form with the verb ‘venire’

Sotituisce il verb essere, in it passive form, come ausiliare nei tempi semplici; / Replaces the verb ‘essere’, in the passive form, as an auxiliary in simple tenses;

If you can use the verb that is venire as ausiliare (tempi semplici) in its passive form, it means non-cambia. / You can use the verb ‘essere’ or ‘venire’ as an auxiliary verb (simple tenses) in the passive form;

In the present tense, the passive form with l'ausiliare venire is più usata di quella col verb essere, mainly in the comunicazione scritta./ In sentences in the present tense, the passive form with auxiliary 'venire' is used more than with the verb 'essere', mainly in written communication.

Osserva degli esempi: / Note some examples:

1) E-mail question verra spedita domani. / This email will be sent tomorrow.

2) Question e-mail sarà spedita domani. / This email will be sent tomorrow.

3) L’apartment venduto vienna from Paolo. / The apartment is sold by Paolo.

4) L’apartment it's sales from Paolo. / The apartment is sold by Paolo.

5) I libri vengono spediti dal Brasile all’Italia. / Books are shipped from Brazil to Italy.

6) Le torte verrano fatte from Carlo. / The cakes will be made by Carlo.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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