Agricultural production in the South Region

The Southern Region has a series of factors that contribute to a high agricultural productivity, ...

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Manuel José de Araújo Porto Alegre

Author, portrait painter and Brazilian plastic artist born in Rio Pardo, in Rio Grande do Sul, wh...

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Mexico. Mexico data

Mexico or the United States of Mexico is a country located in North America that limits its north...

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Inep announces when the result of Encceja 2018 will be published

Inep announces when the result of Encceja 2018 will be published

The National Institute of Educational Education and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) announced thi...

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Pouillet's Law: concept, how to use it, examples

Pouillet's Law: concept, how to use it, examples

Pouillet's Law is an expression used to determine the intensity of the electric current that runs...

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Moa (Family Dinornithidae)

Family Dinornithidae Subfamily Megalapteryginae Gender Megalapteryx Species Megalapteryx didinus ...

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Spherical mirrors in everyday life. Using spherical mirrors in everyday life

Spherical mirrors in everyday life. Using spherical mirrors in everyday life

We are faced daily with several situations in which the use of a mirror is necessary, whether it...

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Past continuous: structure, uses, examples

Past continuous: structure, uses, examples

In the English language, the past continuousdescribes actions and/or events that were in past pro...

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Is industrialized juice good for your health?

It is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy eating and free of preservatives and dyes. Des...

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Alter do Chão Aquifer. The Alter do Chão Aquifer in the Amazon

Alter do Chão Aquifer. The Alter do Chão Aquifer in the Amazon

An aquifer is a water reservoir located in regions that have permeable soils and rocks. sufficien...

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Mesolithic Period: characteristics, division, summary

Mesolithic Period: characteristics, division, summary

O Mesolithic Period is a moment in the prehistory of transition between the Paleolithic and Neoli...

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What is prejudice?

What is prejudice?

Preconception it's the act of judging something or someone before knowing the object of judgment....

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