O Mesolithic Period is a moment in the prehistory of transition between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. Corresponding to the years 10 thousand to 8 thousand a. C., the Mesolithic was marked by transformations in the life of hominids and in the geological and climatic structure of the Earth.
As it is a transitional phase, it was marked by the transformation in human life and the surrounding environment. The artistic production of the period marked the presence of the human figure in the drawings made on the walls of the caves.
See too: Age of Metals - the last period of prehistory
Division of the Mesolithic Period
The Mesolithic is divided into two phases:
Epipaleolytic: corresponds to the final stage of the Paleolithic and the beginning of the Mesolithic, being characterized by the moment after the glaciation.
protoneolytic: late Mesolithic period and before the Neolithic.
Characteristics of the Mesolithic Period
for being a transition period, the Mesolithic marks the countless transformations that occurred in the way of life of hominids and in the formation of
Earth. In this period, the planet has undergone climatic and geological changes that provided a favorable environment for men to leave the caves and carry out activities in nature. With the end of the glacial period, when the temperature was low, the environment became milder.With the favorable climate, there was no longer a need for human groups to move from one place to another to protect themselves from natural weather. This favored the beginning of sedentarization of these groups, that is, the permanence in a single place to live, which would be common in the Neolithic period, which followed the Mesolithic period.
It was during this transition period that Planet Earth began to acquire its current features, like the formation of forests and deserts. Geological stability allowed hominids to settle in a single place to live, in addition to knowing the land they inhabited, giving rise to the first seed crops. The use of fire favored the development of hominids by preparing food, scaring animals and keeping warm on cold days.
Changes from the Mesolithic Period
As a transition period, the Mesolithic was characterized by numerous changes, not just in the middle. environment, as well as in the way hominids organized themselves and their bodies changed over time. time. See some of these changes below.
Beginning of the sedentarization process: one of the marks of the Neolithic Period is the sedentarization of hominids, that is, human groups stopped moving from one place to another and settled in a single region. This process began in the Mesolithic, due to the Earth's geological stability and adaptation to that environment.
animal domestication: hominids realized that it was possible to use small animals, such as dogs and chickens, for everyday life, and not just to feed on their meat.
End of glaciations: the transition from Paleolithic to Mesolithic was marked by glaciation, that is, the freezing of a large part of the Earth. In the Mesolithic, the climate became mild, favoring the departure of hominids from caves and a broader knowledge of the environment where they lived.
Fire Discovery and Control: fire favored the cooking of food, as well as being used for heating on cold days, scaring away wild animals and hunting at night. In addition, the members of the tribe strengthened their relations due to the proximity around the burning fire.

Economy and society in the Mesolithic Period
THE Agricultural production got started in the Mesolithic Period, when hominids, inhabiting the same place, were able to plant and harvest seeds. O craftsmanship it was another economic activity that emerged, with the production of the first ceramic objects.
Social relationships began to become complex, due to the transformations that took place on Earth and in the lives of hominids. The first artisans also appeared, who needed specific training to make pottery and sharper weapons that would be used in hunting or attacking enemy tribes. In some human groups, population growth has been observed.
Art in the Mesolithic Period
The artistic production of this period was marked by the representation of human figures in cave drawings. With changes in anatomy, such as the enlargement of the brain and bipedalism, that is, walking with the lower limbs, leaving the upper limbs free for other actions, primitive art has improved. Instead of just drawing the animals they had captured or wanted to capture, hominids began trying to reproduce their image on cave walls. To learn more about the artistic production of this period, read: Art in Prehistory.

Summary on the Mesolithic Period
The Mesolithic Period corresponds to the years 10 thousand to 8 thousand a. Ç. and was marked by the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic.
The Mesolithic is divided into two phases: Epipaleolithic and Protoneolithic.
The characteristics of this period are: geological and climatic stability of the Earth, beginning of the sedentarization of hominids and establishment of the first agricultural activities.
The Mesolithic economy and society were marked by the transformations of the period, as the first signs of emergence of agriculture and crafts, as well as population growth and skills development. specific.
The rock art of this period presented a novelty: the appearance of the first human figures in the drawings made on the inner walls of the caves.
solved exercises
Question 1 - Check the correct alternative that characterizes the Mesolithic Period of Prehistory.
A) The Mesolithic is a prehistoric period marked by the use of metals to make everyday objects and weapons.
B) Hunting, fishing and gathering fruits are attitudes of hominids that lived in the Mesolithic period.
C) The Mesolithic period is a prehistoric period characterized by great transformations, such as the use of fire and the beginning of the sedentarization of hominids.
D) In the Mesolithic, hominids appeared on Earth and began the process of adapting to the environment.
Alternative C. The Mesolithic Period is characterized by the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic, when countless changes took place in the lives of hominids, as well as on Planet Earth.
Question 2 - (FGV-SP) The transition from the Upper Paleolithic to the Neolithic (between 10 000 a. Ç. and 7000 a. C.) was accompanied by some basic changes for humanity. Among these, we could mention:
A) the appearance of spoken language.
B) the domestication of animals and plants, that is, the emergence of agriculture and grazing.
C) the appearance of magic and art.
D) the settlement of large areas that were previously unpopulated, such as Central and Western Europe.
Alternative B. The domestication of animals and plants and the emergence of agriculture and grazing are characteristics of the Mesolithic Period, that is, the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic.
By Carlos César Higa
History teacher
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/historiag/periodo-mesolitico.htm